I came across this article on CNN.com that was just too good not to share. I'm an admitted news junkie, and my news source of choice is the Cable News Network. I think they might lean towards the left a little, but it's usually pretty centered even if I tend to be liberal minded. Plus it's the most watched and trusted news source! And I know most of the anchors, reporters and contributors by name. Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, John King, the lovely Soledad O'Brien or Betty Nguyen (I'd like to be their Valentines). I think I've shown too much of my news-junkiness. Nevertheless, the African-American male liberal political contributor Ronald Martin is a trusted source of knowledge and intellect. I had to be specific, because there's (who I consider) a female copy of him--Donna Brazile (I don't see her on CNN's payroll, although she's on CNN all the time).
Anyway, Ronald wrote a poignant piece about boycotting Valentine's Day that totally agreed with my opinions. That's right. Whether your single, married, engaged, embattled--boycott it! And he states his reasons, which I've heard before, but they weren't typed or linked to my blog... so I'm doing it now. Plus I spent all my research time for this post searching for Donna Brazile's name. I strongly agree with Ronald: love and relationships should be celebrated everyday, not just once a year. And he says retailers are to blame. I just mentioned card companies specifically--I totally forgot about the jewelers! And the fact that men don't get much attention other than they are expected to give. Except, maybe for some, they get theirs later that night. And platonic friends shouldn't expect more than a card or sweets. That's just the way of the world unless you live in a movie or some brand of fiction. Harsh reality we live in.
But let's be real and keep it sterling. In this tough economy with people losing their jobs and houses, who can really afford jewelry, fancy dinners, expensive flowers or even a $3 Valentine card when we are trying to scrimp and save to put some morsels of food on the table for the family, let alone one significant other?
Then again, why not make it a day she'll (or he'll) never forget? Bump the kids (if any apply). Despite the circumstances, you still came through and made it magical with a shoe string budget thanks to some DIY website you read on Yahoo's homepage titled "Inexpensive Date Ideas That Impress." I don't have a link for that (ran out of research time, remember?) but type those words into Yahoo or Google and I'm sure you'll get some desired results.
(But did you see what I did there? I like to think of it as being a two-faced devil's advocate. Either way, it's fence sitting, but this particular post is definitely leaning towards anti-Valentine.)
I'm still on the fence, like I stated at the beginning of the week. The past few days I've been waking up late and weary, so I'm considering sleeping in all day on Saturday. This means I won't be on the fence, nor will I be on anyone's side or anyone's yard. Honestly, I will probably treat that day like any other and enjoy some pizza with a friend or two. That alone would be making a point of non-romantic celebrations. But that's me. Let's check out what a rational cynic (if I can call him that) Mr. Martin has to say and you can come up with your own conclusions, if you haven't already.
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4 days ago
I think that love should be celebrated every day, so Valentine's Day is sort of a silly holiday, if you ask me. But I have to admit that if I'm in a relationship, I do expect something - just a little token of appreciation. And I give as good as I get. I don't know anyone who expects only the man to produce a V-day gift.
I agree with everything you said. Hence, Friendship Celebration Day happens to land on Fenruary 14th! It's for both single people and couples. But really for singles. And I am less cynical when I'm in a relationship, but love would still be shown everyday on a Valentine level. Maybe chocolate on the weekends.
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