It took me about 3 hours to get back in the groove of work. Indoobians... it wasn't easy. First of all, this is New England where I reside. It's chilly outside. Bump chilly... It was frigid. I know when it's frigid because any fragment of moisture that finds it's way on my bedroom windows freeze which disables me from viewing the outside world clearly. Basically I have stained glass frosted windows. And it's horrible. I can make out blobs that appear to be trees or what may be a car or perhaps a moose... but moose aren't common in my area... are they? Well even if they were, I don't live close to any woodland areas unless I have a neighbor that has been housing a moose for a pet. Has anyone else ever wanted to say "mooses" even though it's incorrect?
I got cleansed and dressed and turned all the systems on (lights, computer, oven, stove, Foreman Grill, coffee maker, ACTION!) and forced myself to remember my password to login while I contemplated where I'd get my morning energy from. I chose the usual... scrambled eggs and bacon.
I bought new bacon though! Well, not really... but I was curious how the taste of hickory smoked differed from maple bacon. I also decided to bake a few, and Foreman the other. It could be my imagination... but I think it cancelled out some of the maple's flavor... so my taste comparison had been compromised. I will Foreman both later in the week. I never baked bacon before until I learned that this guy, Greg, did it at our church's New Year's Eve party. And 'twas good! Very crispy indeed. Mine came out crispy but extremely flat. Flatter than usually. Then again, I bought the store brand. What I bought Greg to use was thicker. Sigh, the adventures in breakfast.
While the bacon was doing it's thing, I made my eggs, which I do believe I'm getting to near-expert status (only for scrambled eggs though). How do I know this? Consistent yellow fluffiness of joy. Then I sprinkle more cheese on top (even when cheese has been mixed in) just for drooling points to anyone who catches a glimpse of my delicious meal. I made too much coffee. There's enough for three cups, I had one already and I'm done. And I wasted two pieces of bread for toast which I usually make into a breakfast sandwich, but I wanted a tradition breakfast today. I regret my choice.
The Foreman was the last thing I waited for until I dined, and I managed to seal up any traces of cooking (except for breakfasty aromas). My mother tells me I leave signs, traces and/or trails of where I've been or what I had done... so I'm always doing my best to clean up my tracks so no one would ever know [diabolical laugh].
So after stuffing my face and getting my caffeine kick (and catching up on some blogs, entertainment news, and whatever else that wasn't exactly related to work other than the near 100 emails (half of which are faxes (we are paperless!)) I had waiting for me) I think I'm ready to start the day. I threw on some Daft Punk and I'm using a different set of speakers (I'm missing the nice bass my other system had and I'm pondering the thought of switching again), but if it's one piece of motivation I learned... it's that caffeine and Daft Punk make for a good work drive. It actually makes for a good car drive too at night... but that's another story. So here's to banging out the bulk of my work in a day... or two (some of which has been backed up for the two weeks I've been away), but progression nonetheless! And 'tis a new year. So let's... ya know... work! WOOT!
Just for kicks and giggles, I baked cookies last night. I just felt the need to share. Not the cookies, of course, are you crazy? It takes some effort for me to share a cookie with anyone. Usually, being a female is a good way to start... I'm just saying....
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
4 days ago
You're so funny with your breakfast adventures. I don't eat bacon but I LOVE eggs and I cook them pretty good too - and of course - always with plenty of cheese ;)
I'm aware of you not eating the piggies, that's fine. The eggs... I think they are #1 for me. I almost want to have an egg competition with you. Almost.
In my new place, I saw water running down the walls and wondered from where it was coming... Yes, the moisture collecting on the windows, like yours... but raining inside my place, instead of making flat ice sculptures. Funny.
I had some organic bacon and it went bad and changed colors to a sparkling green almost immediately upon opening it. I decided to go with the cheapest preserved bacon next time.
Saw this cool thing at a Korean store today that separates the guck from the oil so you can reuse it.
Nothing like a good cardiac breakfast to get you going on a cold winter day.
There are times, when it's minus 20outside, when yogurt or muesli doesn't quite cut it. You need the eggs, bacon and grease. (I can't go skiing unless I get my dose of the stuff).
- Friar
I don't know - I make a mean egg ;) Actually, I eat an egg almost every day. It's one of my favorite foods but you know cheese is always my favorite!
@jaden, I had that same problem Christmas Eve-eve... actually, that's when it started... but anyway the problem turned out to be the gutters which had been clogged with... muck. Actual dark gross muck. I thought it'd be leaves, but it was frozen brown muck (with a side of leaves) my grandfather pulled out of our gutters today. If it's still in the yard tomorrow and not covered by new snow, I'll take a picture of it and post it, linking back to my leaky window story.
Organic bacon? I'm actually a little curious what that may taste like. I'm really stuck on this maple bacon though. Smells up the house so much that I gotta keep making more. And that oil thing sounds useful. Lately, whatever the Foreman drips away I just let go down the drain. Normally my family saves it, but we have enough to fry about four entire chickens and possibly half of a small horse. But that wasn't all from bacon fat, we just reuse a lot of grease.
@Friar, I know my breakfasts aren't really healthy... but if it's going to kill me, then I want to die happy. And that morning was cold indubitably. I don't ski but I don't think yogurt in minus 20 weather would be the best thing to eat. I don't even like yogurt in any temperature. Strange texture. However, I've been known to drink ice coffee during blizzardish weather.
@Melissa, it's a good thing you live so far away because I would so have an egg-off. I'm actually almost out of cheese (oh no!) but hopefully I'll make sure to buy the pizza blend like I meant to, not the fiesta... which wasn't bad, but not the same.
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