It's a bit irritating how I keep forgetting my password to this thing. Sigh.
Anyway, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. I don't know how exactly, but I found myself at Purchase's page at Wikipedia. Reading about things I knew first hand, and some things I had forgotten or never knew. It all brought back memories that now feel like I had been in a foreign film.
I tell people all the time that it was a great year and I learned a lot. Most of it taking place outside of class. In fact, I remember very little about any of the classes I took other than my poetry class, and two classes that were best thought of as history classes. It wasn't so much the subject I was interested in, moreso the teachers. Very animated. And also a bit pretentious... but in a good way... like they had the right to be. And I didn't really care, I was engaged in what they had to say... most of the time.
But really, what I remember and love most, are the people and relationships with those people I had. And pretty much every experience I had there. It's all bittersweet because I loved it there but I know I could never go back to having things the way they were. Sure I could go back there, but it won't be the same. I could always create new memories, but it won't be the same. Sort've like a so-so sequel. I think if I were to have a sequel to follow up Purcahse, it would have to be another school entirely. And to think, that was about 4 years ago.
Indeed, it is time for me to return to a campus and learn more about the arts, people, and especially myself. I can only learn so much by watching movies back-to-back. I need the hands on experience.
So I may not make it to Virginia Beach this summer, and it doesn't look like I'll be in anymore plays this year, I should focus my energies in getting back into Middlesex. I really want something much more than a degree. I'm guessing and supposing I won't get what I really want without one. But I really don't know what life will bring me. I need to expect to surprised. I think that's how that last line of Dan In Real Life went.
My room is a mess...
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
4 days ago