Ryder, a good friend and Purchase classmate of mine, once shared an amusing yet seemingly true relevation to me about girls in the winter time on campus. He said that they pretty much all of a sudden "hibernate" for the winter, staying indoors, in their dorm rooms, or just invisible altogether. Because we, specifically Ryder and myself, found this to be true and a little discouraging since we were both single and semi-lonely. However, how he knew this before it happened was beyond me. His plan was to cozy up with a girl before the cold hit, so when the girls moved indoors for the winter, they'd cozy up with him, since they were scarce in the barren wasteland of the bricked campus in the middle of New Yorkian forrests that was Purchase.
We found the theory to be correct, and to some degree we used it to our advantage having know a few female friends to cuddle up with to "stay warm" in our central heated dorms. I had the semi-enjoyable experience having two attractive female friends sleep in my bed one night. A twin bed was not emant for 3 people. I wasn't comfortable. I did not sleep. THEY slept. I did not. I wanted to sleep. But I needed to moved a leg or two. But I could not because someone's body weight kept me from doing so. So I slept after they woke up and went to their room in the morning. I was so tired. Sure I felt like "the man," but it cost me physical pain, sleep, and even some boredom.
Anyway, the theory of the hibernating girls seemed to in fact be true. Yet we saw a few females wandering about in the snow, msot of them weren't to be seen. We wondered how they got to and from class when we never saw them outside. Purchase does have tunnels, but the dorms didn't connect to the campus. And the campus tunnels were off limits to students unless you had authorization and access like I did. Even still, no girls were there. This goes into my own theory of "girl wonders" I'll get into another time. It's not like we didn't know where these girls were. Well, the girls we actually knew, we knew where THEY were. But the one's we didn't know, we couldn't find them. I must admit, I wasn't really looking for them. But in case I was, I didn't know where to look. Our only chances were seeing them at the food courts, other people's rooms, classes, hallways or the parties we rarely attended.
But alas, as the springtime came, the girls reappeared. From wandering the campus grounds, to just hanging out and talking outside. Nature... what a thing.
Turns out that happens at the work force. When I started here in September, there were some pretty faces here and there, seemingly around my age. But being a new kid on the block, I'm not the type to introduce myself to strangers until I get a feel for the place first. It's my thing. Anyway, the winter months came and anytime I'm outside, no one is outside. Not that I blame girls or people in general... I was barely outside. It was cold! What makes it relevant to the above story is a lot of the pretty faces that are rumored to be about this building, didn't start appearing until recently. This is besides the ones I already know, like the ones working in my department. But this is a pretty big place with a lot of people. And I saw very little of them. Okay, okay... a majority of the time I'm at my desk. But STILL! When out and about, there weren't many people around, much less the pretty faces.
So here it is now the middle of May, and they are all over the place! Well, not like swarms... but more than enough to know there's a strong female presence at this work force. And I don't mean just walking in the hallways or the cafeteria... they're all around outside too. And I can't just limit to attractive females, but its everyone. I'm seeing a lot more people that I've never seen before. And it's everyday. A new variety and change everyday. And you know what? I still don't talk to anyone. Go fig.
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