I wrote a poem a few years ago, I think it's corny by the standards I write now, but it was called "Monday" or "Mondays"... I can't remember. But the point of the poem was how much I dislike Mondays and it had a basic rhyming scheme. Well, it was also one of the first poems I started incorporating punch lines, or just a significant ending line to really close out the poem. And the ending (punch)line, rephrased, is that for whatever reason, if I bypassed the trials of whatever usually takes place on Monday, I still have trouble because there's always Tuesday.
Took me a while to make the point, I apologize... But the latest not so great news is once again concerning Sam the car, when a supposedly off-duty cop on a motorcycle pulled up next to me around the corner from my house and told me that my brake lights aren't working, save for the one in the middle. I saw he was off duty because he had the uniform, but his bike seemed, ya know, not police standard. No lights or symbols. Anyway, I was waiting for a ticket or something, but no... Just a precaution and "You should get that check out." Dread sets in.
Earlier today, at work and not working, I looked into whole sale Nissan parts. I now understand why it'll cost $1600 to get my car fixed. The fuel injector is $120. And I need four of them. The head gasket, if I'm reading it correctly, and I'd like to think that I am, is only about $20. And from what I saw, it didn't look anything like what I thought a gasket was. To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a gasket before. So if I saw it laying in front of me right now... nothing. Sort've like the drive shaft that fell off of the pick-up truck I was driving years ago. I had no idea what it was. Just a long pole looking thing that shouldn't be detached from where it was.
My other woes were just frustrated people on the phone making me a little frustrated. There's no point in explaining what was wrong, let's just say I worked in the shoe department, and she needed the clothes department. However, (and I don't really care) I may some how been able to help had I known more about serious fashion styles and the inner workings of things... but all I need to know and worry about is shoes.
Meanwhile, my co-workers had little issues here and there, but I only help when I'm asked. I feel like i'm butting in, unless of course they are openly talking about the issue at hand. But something a little irritating is when someone asks me a question, then I answer, then they ask someone else as if my answer wasn't good enough. If you don't want my help, don't ask! Sigh. Let me calm down. I need to make some phone calls and get my parents a little getaway that I know I'll be needing soon.
By the way, anyone have like $1000 to just GIVE me? It's not for my car. It's for everything else that has an extended hand waiting to go fishing around in my pockets.
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better
[image: writing better]
As I travel around the internet reading blogs, watching interviews, and
listening to podcasts on writing, I’ve noticed that much of...
4 days ago
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