Would you like to travel with me to another official Purchase College memory? Of course you would! I'll make it brief and not too un-relatable.
Basically I'm longing for my days of being on the radio. Even a college run radio station (which is nice to hone in on a craft). I think having this Indoob blog is the next best thing I have until I start podcasting (who knows when that will be). Or when I get the nerve to do my own Internet radio station broadcast (once I remember what website has that). But I remember my... hmmm... 4-5 shows I had in the beginning of '05... My, those were good college times. I even had the perfect schedule where I only schooled 3 days a week. But that had nothing to do with the radio.
It'd be no shocker I played the heaviest metal I could find, and being a liberal arts college station, they didn't care much about censorship. Okay... so I lied. Not about the censorship, but most Indoobians would know by now my brand of music. The only thing I seem to detest these days is country music UNLESS certain terms are met. Usually Shania Twain had to be involved. But that's another story.
I ran into New Eden Radio tonight by way of someone I once talked to online some time ago. I doubt if she remembers me, but if she does, plus points for her! Anyway, it turns out she's now a DJ for the station, so I checked out the live stream. Not bad. She goes by DJ Blue Eyes. (I'm going to guess the "Eyes" is spelt with a "z" cuz that's how all the kewl kidz do it 2day. (And yes it hurts to purposely misspell those words.)) So by checking out this site and giving her show some ratings, I would recommend this to a few people because of the music she plays. Not my favorite cup of tea, but it's tea I can drink and even suggest to others. I'm in it more for how the DJ communicates with the audience. I like banter. Good banter is hard to find. (This coming from the guy who rarely listens to the radio since he works at home and always listens to an iPod he named iSaac.)
But back to my memory story! I never liked being alone on my show. So my most favorite and popular guest co-host was DrugFree. He actually had his own show which he hosted with someone else (but had me as a special guest a couple of nights and we'd take turns plugging each other's shows). I must say that it's so much more fun having someone else on the air to talk to. I tried talking to the person on the other side of the glass, the "producer," but they were never listening. Anyway, my buddy (Rich was his real name) and I would talk about random but relevent things going on at the time, or campus life. At times it ended up becoming a comedy routine and I think I ended up playing the straight man, chock full of sarcasm. But it worked. My parents surprised me one night, calling me during my show to tell me they were listening to the Internet stream (they were about an hour away at home). They remarked on the conversation we had about eating potato chips on the air, and if we should've been eating them at all while being on the air or even in the booth. Needless to say, you had to be there. I wish I could've gotten recorded copies of our shows... but alas, that wasn't possible. Both our shows had a small fan base. DrugFree's show ended up going to TV while I moved back to Connecticut and discovered filmmaking (which was partially introduced thanks to my major in broadcast communications). Soul Sundays with Sterling Silver would've been a great show... if I stayed.
The moral of this story is that my dream of being a radio DJ/personality is not dead. Sterling Silver with rock the airwaves once more. I'm a fan of morning shows, since they have fun people up. I mean it's only like a 4 hour block, right? Then I can spend the rest of the day doing whatever I want. Like filmmaking. But my show would be awesome! It would be mighty! And of course I'd have fun people on the show with me, even if some of those people weren't "real" ...meaning, characters I've made up that would be great exclusively for radio... such as Jamal Jamal. Wouldn't you love to know about that guy? Sure... but not tonight.
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
4 days ago
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