It's Tuesday once again. What's different about this Tuesday is that to most people, it's like a Wednesday because of the holiday weekend. For me, this is my first 5 day weekend. Last year this time I was still at the Mart dreading African American Friday. I JEST! I jest... Black Friday it's called. Not everything "black" can be politically correct, I guess. So all people of all races celebrate in the same way by rushing out to their local outlets to solidify the commercialism of Christmas, putting those particular retailers in the black, versus the dangerous low sales of red, and in turn see green so they can afford a snow machine for a white Christmas, even though for some stores this will be their last go-round and it makes them very blue, indoob. Yes, 'tis very colorful, magical and bittersweet. I'm not feeling the same anti-commercialism as last year. Still cynical, not as critical. Does that mean I'm a sell out? No. (Not yet.) But nevertheless, just as long as I know what the holiday is all about to me and my loved ones, that's all I really care about this year. Besides, watching the stock market is more fascinating to me, even though the commercialism is directly related to economy. But I won't get into stuff I don't know too much about.
Let's not forget the reason why most people have Friday off. THANKSGIVING! Which is like a big pre-Christmas gathering and meal. It's an official Christmas Season Eve feast. Of course the stores have already started on November 1st, wanting you to get your plastic tree now! You don't want to be the last one and get stuck with a Charlie Brown tree. Actually, I don't think I'd mind it. I'd give it a good home. Then me and some people would gather around it and make it look awesome, then sing up to the sky "Hark! The Herald Angel Sing." (For more fun interesting trees like on the left, check out World's Most Unusual Trees.)
There's no sense in watching those Christmas specials on TV when you have them on DVD already. I'm just saying. I must comment on the brilliance of Stephen Colbert's Christmas Spectacular I watched this weekend. Totally a must if you are a fan of his show and his brand of humor.
It still makes me ask the question, which I still never get a response to, why aren't their Thanksgiving carols? I wrote an article about this for a school paper, and instead of getting answers I gained a following who echoed my question and agreed that Christmas and Halloween overshadow the holiday, as well as the general Autumn or harvest themes absorbing the feasting of turkeys and thanksgivinginess. Even these years later, I've succumbed to society's treatment of the Day to Give Thanks, and consider going to the Mart just to watch madness live and unadulterated. On second though, I'll stay home and sleep and stick to online or middle-of-the-day during the middle-of-the-week shopping when stores are less full. Not that I have much shopping to do, I did a lot of it during the year. I'm good like that, yes yes y'all!
There are pictures and links to new poems on the way, I'm just waiting for a package so I can group that post altogether so we can all see the newness together. Deal?

There's no sense in watching those Christmas specials on TV when you have them on DVD already. I'm just saying. I must comment on the brilliance of Stephen Colbert's Christmas Spectacular I watched this weekend. Totally a must if you are a fan of his show and his brand of humor.
It still makes me ask the question, which I still never get a response to, why aren't their Thanksgiving carols? I wrote an article about this for a school paper, and instead of getting answers I gained a following who echoed my question and agreed that Christmas and Halloween overshadow the holiday, as well as the general Autumn or harvest themes absorbing the feasting of turkeys and thanksgivinginess. Even these years later, I've succumbed to society's treatment of the Day to Give Thanks, and consider going to the Mart just to watch madness live and unadulterated. On second though, I'll stay home and sleep and stick to online or middle-of-the-day during the middle-of-the-week shopping when stores are less full. Not that I have much shopping to do, I did a lot of it during the year. I'm good like that, yes yes y'all!
There are pictures and links to new poems on the way, I'm just waiting for a package so I can group that post altogether so we can all see the newness together. Deal?
1 comment:
Look how cute that lil' tree is! I wouldn't mind a Charlie Brown tree one bit. And, I will be staying far, far away from any stores this Friday. I'm doing my holiday shopping online. In fact, I'm going to do it while I'm working just so I can feel like a rebel.
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