With most of the other creatures thats enter the house, I'm a bit more relaxed. Spiders for example, I may let live. As long as it doesn't look menacing. Ants I can't allow because they won't go away and bring friends and eat my food and I don't like to share. Greedy sub life forms...
In news from the Mart... Excuse me for some terms I may use, but, you kinda have to wonder how anal can a company get? Even though I'm no longer employed there, I still have my connections and those connections are rightly pissed at the way the company is being run. The newest latest insanity? Before I reveal it, it's taek a quick run at the dresscode. You could wear pants or jeans and a shirt of some kind and just throw on the company issued blue smock. I hate that word "smock" so I always called it what it was--a vest. Then they phased out the vest and had everyone where khaki and blue shirts. Pretty much the same as Best Buy, but without the little yellow logo. However, the Mart had shirts you could buy from them, and my friend (who is fun-size) ordered a small or extra small shirt and it came to her knees. What is a girl to do? So whenever she's out and about at the stores, she picks up blue shirts in her size for work. It's pretty sad and she hates her job.
Well, she hates it 89% more today than she did yesterday because the shade of blue she was wearing was unacceptable. Now, the only blue is navy blue. If they wanted navy blue, then they should've said that when they first started. What the stank is wrong with these people? I can't say that I'll boycott their store, but from an inside look, this place likes to piss on thier employees. I'm always up for writing a strongly worded angry letter, but this might call for a protesting march with torches and pitchforks all the way to their Home Office, whom, by the way, seems like a retail version of Big Brother. Unfortunately, George Orwell didn't include that the Mart manufactured the clothes the Ministry of Truth wore. Enjoy the latest fashion trends now, because 2084 we'll all be wearing black jumpsuits and barcodes. Hopefully those creepy critter things won't be around. I wonder what the music will be like...
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