I want to start a weekly thing here. Every Friday I'll talk about a song or album or artist or something musically involved that I think is on the awesomer side of life. Today I'd like to discuss the beautiful and talented Solange Knowles. I'm not sure where to begin, but I guess we'll go with the obvious. Yes she is a girl.
Really though... this singer has managed to channel her sound back to the 60's, 70's and instantly I think I fell in love. The same thing happened with Joss Stone. So now... I think there's an inner battle--Joss or Solange? Solange or Joss? Chicken or the egg? Cheese or meatlovers? Paper or plastic? ...Oh wait, they don't really do paper anymore. But the point is, these two women now have a special place in my heart. And let's not forget the awesome Leela James. She's got raw power too. Leela, Joss and Solange need to get together and do something awesome... But I don't see it happening. Personally I think Leela is on another level all her own.
But I digress, we're talking about music, not my future possible wife. Solange's Dancing in the Dark is my pick for a song everyone should listen to at least 3 times. I'd have it on repeat for about an hour. I actually did that yesterday. The whole album is about an hour, but I took off like 3-4 songs I didn't care for. I love her, but I need the space on my iPod until I get a newer bigger one. Anyway, the whole album is great to listen to, but if I had to pick one song, I think ummmm... T.O.N.Y. or ummmm... Sandcastle Disco. There's actually a video for that one. OH! 6 O'Clock Blues. Okay, so for my iPick, I'll just say Sol-angeL and the Hadley St. Dreams. Check it out immediately.
In other news, it's raining a lot today. My fingers got pruny just looking out the window.
I had a rough week trying to make my quota at work. BUT I did it. And almost with flying colors. Wednesday I took a bat to those files and start beating them senselessly. Figuratively of course. I don't own a bat. :-( But after going crazy, I continued my rampage most of Thursday morning. I drifted off into another world for a couple hours, came back and ordered bad fried food, then went back to work. And by the way there is good fried food and bad fried food. This was bad just because it was fried badly. Good fried is like... bacon. My grandmother made some today. I wish I had more and I'm glad I didn't share. She made eggs and buttered toast too.
I always wondered if it's possible to be too awesome. I think it might be. With all this cooking my grandmother is doing, I'm going to be obese. Obesity is excess awesome. But I need to get back to the gym. I know I keep saying that, but I think maybe Monday. Monday seems good. Yes, Monday.
Texting and driving is dangerous. Slightly less dangerous: iPodding and driving. I kinda just shortened it to just iPodding. Or is it iPoding? I don't know... but the definition would be manipulating your iPod in anyway. It's a verb. Even though I'm know to text and iPoding and eating while driving... I don't advise anyone else should live on the edge like me.
Lastly, I bought a game for my computer. I'm allowed! I can have some fun sometimes if I want. I don't have to work or write all the time! I need to exercise my brain with other things... which is why I bought this $10 game called "Brain Teasers" so I can tease my brain. It might hate me later for the insults, but we'll get over it.
I'm gonna go play now.
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5 days ago
I haven't heard any of Solange's music, so I'll have to check it out next time I visit the iTunes store. I'm a huge Beyonce fan already (Solange is related, right?). Oh dear, I'm showing how out of touch I am right now.
I wasn't sure if you were joking if they were related, but they are in fact sisters. Solange wants to make a name for herself as much as she loves and cares for her sister, she doesn't want to be in her shadow which would be difficult to do with a megasuperstar like Beyonce, who's great but Solange is a force who needs to be recognized as a force to be reckoned with. Listening to her voice, she sounds a bit like her big sis at times. Can't avoid that.
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