LMAO!! Okay... I don't know what the stank this is... But I kinda want one. 1) to play to see if it's any fun, 2) to be a television for Halloween and 3) wear it to meetings so I can hide my true emotions... like being asleep. No doubt people would enjoy watching me better than whatever I might be watching inside of it. Even if it was empty.
I found this picture listed under World's Ugliest Gadgets. I have no idea whatsoever what this thing really is, other than some kind of video game, or flight simulator... yet I'm curious how this poor girl can manage all the weight of the be-a-boob-tube helmet. You need a strong neck if you're going to have a TV for a head. I'm just going to stop and admire the hilairity of the picture. This was worth waking up in this morning to see. This makes me happy.
Allow me to complain about nosebleeds. I haven't had one since 1990. Okay, so it's a guess... but a bleeding nose is rare for me. Yes, they used to frighten my when I was wee, but now that I'm older, it's just annoying. I was only scared because the grown-ups around me would freak out. "OH MY GOD!" "YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!" "THIS KID'S NOSE IS BLEEDING!" "GET THE NURSE!" "TILT YOUR HEAD BACK!" "GET HIM A TISSUE!" "THERE'S A FIRE... sale!"
I don't know why my nose was bleeding, but I just wanted it to stop, which it did. I hate when my garbage looks like a murder scene/surgery scene, and me looking like I've been beaten up. The concern people show me only make it worse.
It wasn't too bad of a distraction from today's work. I actually didn't mind going back to work today... except that the program we use still has issues. By the end of the day, things were getting back to normal, except the fact my drowsiness had settled back on me. What I really felt like doing was jumping up on stage singing Stevie Wonder hits. But I stayed put and got some decent work done. Not enough, but tomorrow I should be back on track.
One of the reasons I was so sleepy, I started a new script for a new short film. I couldn't sleep with these "voices" having this conversation that I needed to write down... or type. Ironically enough, it was about a couple who were wide awake in the middle of the night too. They didn't finish their late night chat because the writer suddenly had a strong case of the sleepies. I slept for about 2 hours, then went to my office for the real work. Oh, I made myself a huge pot of coffee which left me with the feeling of wanting to explode. Fortunately, I didn't.
Lastly, my grandmother is killing me. No, not with knives or poison. I'm not crazy about blueberry muffins, but she made them again today, and she's turning me into a fiend for them. And each time she makes them, I find myself eating them until there are no more left. I'd creep down in the wee hours and steal one or two, and smuggle them back to my room for snacking like a raccoon. I'm so hungry right now. And so sleepy. What am I to do? I'll steal a few winks before I steal a muffin and then steal a few more lines of dialogue. Sounds like a plan to me.
Oh my gosh! That is hilarious!
Nosebleed... ick... That is one problem I fortunately have not had. But seeing how I am a girl, I got my own bleeding problems. *wink* I'm gross.
Stop picking your nose! hahah.
"I couldn't sleep with these "voices" having this conversation that I needed to write down... or type."
This is my every night... uhg.
Yum, blueberry muffins!
Jokes aside. I hope you are ok and see a doctor if the nose continues to bleed.
Heheh, I'd eat all the blueberry muffins too. Yum! That photo is so funny. I wonder if it's a virtual reality game? I tried virtual reality many years ago and it was extremely cool, even though I could see the technology had a long way to go.
@jaden--I've said it before, and I will continue to keep saying it, but if you have holes in your face, you are going to stick things into it. That could apply to other things... But it's my nose and I can pick it if I want. At the time, I just had a severe violent case of the sniffles. But all is well now.
@melissa--I had a total of 3 blueberry muffins. 1 for dinner, 2 before bed as a late night snack. For some reason, they didn't taste as good as I remembered... but I still couldn't stop the consumption.
And I couldn't find any info on that tube thing, but virtual reality has certainly come a long way. For me, nothing beats live action laser tag.
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