'Tis Blog Action Day for the year 2008. Where blogs and podcast all across the planet get together for a worthy cause--to aid in the war on poverty.
Sadly, it sounds like another victory-less battle, such as the war on drugs, war on terror, war on the obese. But there's no reason to not try! Had I been on top of my poetry game this year, I might've had a Poetry Show this week to go along with BAD '08. Every show, I charge admission to be entertained one can per person. Or I try at least. Then I donate the goods to the local supermarket's food drive.
Some know that the charity I'd most likely give to is anything dealing with the arts. But overall, you need to eat before you can create. You can only write, paint, sculpt so much before you turn around and try to chew on the paper, paints and clay. If you are about 1 or 2 years old, I might let it slide. Just as long as it's not toxic. But I'd much rather you eat something nutritious. And yes, I talk to wee children like they are grown people. They'll understand when they're older.
As for other campaigns on the march to destroying poverty, I like ONE.org. I was trying to donate and get me one of those nifty white bracelet things. Everyone has the Livestrong yellow band... and I didn't want to be like everyone. I'm sure if I was running for some office, someone would instantly turn this into "t. sterling watson is FOR CANCER!" Yes, I stole that idea from the movie Head of State. Anyway, the ONE organization wants to eliminate poverty in Africa. Poverty and AIDS to be exact. Again, it's not something that will happen immediately, but who's to say that it won't at all.
Personally, the way I see it: I'm not trying to save the world. I trying to save just that one little boy or little girl, or both if I'm feeling tender hearted, warm and gushy inside. And you know that one kid, you see them all the time on the "Save the Children" commercials where the host-dude makes you feel bad for buying a cup of coffee when you could be using it to buy that poor child some rice. I'm not saying I'm not affected by these ads. I just wish they end on happier notes. Like those before and after shots: "This is my home before" (and it shows some shack or whole in the mud, and a naked boy with no food) "but this is me now!" (A nicer shack, the boy has some meat on his bones, he's in school and is smiling and wearing clean clothes) "Thank you for sponsoring me!" And the commercial ends. But I know that won't pull at the heart strings as much. I know their tricks.
Nevertheless, it's all for a good cause. I'm going to do my part and save a child or donate what I can to whomever I can. The ONE.org place is a good place to start. They email me a lot and unfortunately they started going into the spam box. It wasn't intentional, honest. But if you can sponsor a child, go for it. If you know of a local food bank or pantry that accept donations, buy some extra cans to donate there. They say charity starts at home. I really don't know who "they" are, so I just give wherever I can and see a need.
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[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
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4 days ago
1 comment:
The thing is - if you save one child, you are saving the world. We're all connected and when everybody comes to understand that, we'll start to see real change. I admire ONE and I admire you for advocating for them and for being a giver :)
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