Ya know what I like? A glass of ice, cracking open a can of Sprite, and pouring my beverage into the glass from a ridicuously high point just to watch it streamline and crash and slash onto the ice below. And of course to witness the bubbles and foaming. I think that's part of the soda expereince. I'm sure there are quality control department personel devoted to this part in the enjoyment process, with clip boards in hand and little rulers measuring the fizz level, timers to see how long it stays bubbly, and microphones tune to hear the crackling and popping. I'm sure of it. They do that for Starbucks coffee. Apparently I watch too much History Channel.
So I got a promotion today. I think I keep saying this... but a lot has happened in the past year. I held 2 jobs for about 4 months, I was in a play on TOP of those 2 jobs. I had went from being a temp to being hired full time with a raise and benefits. I transitioned to a new department. Then I transitioned to work at home. Then I wrote a script in a month! (Thanks Jaden) Then I baked some cookeis and ordered pizzas. Then I saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance POLICY. (Same company, and it helps to talk to these people instead of ignoring their calls. And no, I'm not with Geico. Or AIG.) Then I ordered my new iPod. I made it back to gym finally, again. Then I got a thngy in the mail for attending a meeting that I didn't attend. (There will be a seperate post about that later.) Then I got promoted with a raise. Then my friend will take me out to lunch to celebrate even though she doesn't know yet. But she's offering to pay, and she's got a strong craving for the buffet with incredibly lower prices than if we went there for dinner. She's a crazy person. In a good way, of course.
Tonight will be some fine entertainment. Biden vs. Palin. I'm starting to think The Office won't be on. But that's okay... there are so many ways to catch TV shows you missed, I love technology. Speaking of shows, I have pretty much every night planned at 9PM. Wanna know my TV schedule aka when-not-to-bother-me-unless-you-are-watching-the-same-thing?
Monday: Heroes.
Tuesday: Fringe. (If I can help it, I'll catch House, although How I Met Your Mother is a pretty funny show.)
Wednesday: Ghost Hunters & Destination Truth.
Thursday: 30 Rock & The Office.
Friday: (I think) Hole in the Wall... until Psych comes back on in January. But that's at 10. So I'd watch Monk just because.
Now some of these times or shows are subject to change, and I'm not always home at 8PM to watch whatever may be on at that time. And Fridays are always gambles because I like to remind myself I have friends or a life outside of my house. Or movies.
Well I need to get back to work before it's lunch time. I'm not where I want to be with my quota just yet. I must make sure I stay worthy of my promotion, ya know? I better get more Spite.
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
4 days ago
The sound of soda poured over a glass of ice? Priceless! Seriously, one of the best sounds in the universe and I don't even drink soda. Okay, so maybe once in a while I have a root beer but only with pizza or Mexican food.
Heroes is the only show I'm committed to. Yowsers. Pure creative genius!
Well you're supposed to have drinks like that for food like that. What do you normally drink, water? Juice? Milk? Coffee? I drink a lot of water most of the time. Sometimes coffee in the morning, or juice if it's in the house or I'm out to at breakfast.
And yes, Heroes is brilliant. Unlike others I know, I don't try to guess what's going to happen next. I just countdown until Monday comes back.
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