Since I've upgraded to iSaac's 6th generation Classic iPodness, I've been taking advantage of being able to WATCH things as well as listen to them. I also find myself playing solitaire a lot more, which really isn't that big of a deal because iPizzle had that too.
Anyway, since most iPods (except older models and especially screenless iPod Shuffles) can play movies/music videos, I thought for today's iPick, I'd pick a music video. Oddly enough, the video I'm going to pick isn't even in iSaac's library... yet. Before I reveal the pick, let's talk a little bit about the music video industry. (Aren't iPod commercials like really cool mini music videos? There's nothing like watching a commercial for an iPod on your iPod... and no I haven't done that... yet.)
Why doesn't the channel that popularized music videos play music videos anymore? MTV? VH1? Even BET? I'll let BET slide since it never exclusively focused on music videos like MTV and VH1 claimed to. VH1 is supposedly a product of MTV anyway, or it was... I don't know and I don't feel like researching right now.
Why did music videos start getting corny? This mainly relates to hip hop videos and sometimes, it's still the same "check out my car, my money, and my women." And it's usually all rented. Even the women. Sad. I can't really speak though... I haven't watched many music videos since I can't remember when... So maybe things have changed. But I like for videos to be as stimulating as the song is... if the song is stimulating at all. Sometimes the video will make me like the song if I don't care for it. It can make or break a song, really.
Now those 3 channels I mentioned... If they do show music videos, they never show the whole video. I'm sure all of these complaints you've heard or had yourself. I'm just vocalizing it again, that's all. Plus with the world we live in, they know that we know we can find the whole interupted video online.
But alas my fellow Indoobians, there's hope! For those of you who have that digital or enhanced or advanced cable or a dish network and get 2,000+ channels, it's a good chance you have the "sister" or "sequel" channels. You cna call it a "sequel" channel if it's something like MTV2... Which was an all music channel for a while, but it's become a product of it's older brother. Or sister. Don't fret, MTV has just as many channels as HBO. Well, maybe a few less. I have about 5 altogether I think. MTVU, MTV Hit List, MTV Jams, MTV Latino or something... It's in Spanish. They moved MTV2 with them instead of being in the basic line up. I don't know why. But there they are and it kept me busy trying to find new music (which will lead into today's pick shortly).
VH1 has similar channels. Honestly, I don't know how many. I can only think of VH1 Classic right now. They have Pop Up Video. How many of you guys remember that one? Oh yes, it was awesome, indeed! That channel also show videos from the 70's and 80's... well... whenever I stopped by. And there are a few other music only channels I never watch. But at least they're there. So if you have some extra bucks, you can find these music channels and dive into your music videos. The nice thing is there aren't so many commercials, and when there are, it's about the channel. So you don't feel forced to run out and buy a car, Viagra, or shop at Macy's.
While surfing these channels, I came across a guy I liked when he first came out... but no one cared about. Well, they did when he came out with his second album, and now people are paying attention for sure now that his third album "Something Else" has recently been released. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm stuck on the single and especially the video that's been out since this past summer.
Again, I apologize to the Workforce and it's Indoobians, I'd embed the video, but the embedded feature has been disabled on them all. Meaning even if I wrote the code myself on my page, it wouldn't work OR I'd probably get asked to take it down. People are weird. Anyway, the artist formally known as Thicke (when he first came out), the one and only Robin Thicke and his hit single "Magic". Again, the song is hot on it's own... But I want to talk about the video.
After you watch it, then we can talk about it being on the same page and all. Again, the song is awesome. It works so well with the video and I'm glad I got to hear it for the first time while watching it. (Sometimes I'm disappointed with a video after listening to a song before seeing it, and it not being anything I expected.)
Robin Thicke himself has stated he was inspired by Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddessy which is his favorite movie, and to me is a disgustingly long and trippy movie. It was the 60's. It's a work of art, I respect it and would probably watch it again. (For kicks and giggles, watch the shortend version someone made.) But that's another story for another post. He's also inspired by Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire, which those scenes you can recognize. (When he's dancing with the hat and cane. He said he saw Puttin' on the Ritz and wanted to put those moves in. I've seen it before, but it wows me everytime and who can blame him? That performance is astounding.) More so Michael Jackson near the end in the elevator doorway thingy. I don't know... it just looks so cool. Don't Stop til You Get Enough is one of the inspirations he used. Ya know, back when he was still black and not so weird.
I also saw some James Bond in there. Starting at 2:47 when they just keep panning upwards, it gave me a Bond feeling. Awesome shot by the way. At the same time, I thought of Michael Jackson's Leave Me Alone video and it's use of animations similar to this video. Which is why I and others agree he was the majority of the inspiration for the looks of this video. Among other things like just having a classic disco feel to it all.
Furthermore, I'm a surrealist. And seeing these images of beautiful women stretched out atop of planets or being fragments on gasous lights... Just sexy. The video is the epitome of awesome surrealist sexiness. I'm not against putting sexy women in music videos... it's just how they are shown. This way, they are like models you see in magazines advertizing make up or shoes. This one? Planets! Or they are just dancing and having a good time. I wish I was there... Sigh...
Lastly, on the YouTube site posted above, it says uncut and explicit... It's only different in very subtle ways. Robin Thicke's name appears like the THX logo. And the Fred Astaire scenes take place in space instead of on stage. I don't know what else differs other than that. I used that link also because it's got the best quality. Now I think I'm going to go BUY the video on iTunes and watch it repeatedly.
Oh yeah, and the guy who directed this video did some other awesome videos: LoveStoned & Crazy just to name a few. Robert Hales... you're awesome for originality and I envy you.
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4 days ago
1 comment:
I remember when MTV played music videos 24/7. I think part of the problem is that the videos started to suck. They all got cheap and trendy. My favorite was REM's Losing My Religion. That and many others... ah, the memories. I even had an MTV t-shirt with my name on the back. In sixth grade!
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