SAM'S BACK!!! Finally, after about two months, Sam finally comes home from the hospital and sounds better than ever. It better, costing me about 2Gs. I only paid half because that's all I can afford right now. The longer the doctor made me wait, the more the money burned in my pocket. And it wasn't really me that wanted to spend it... It was the bills that took it.
Fortunately, I negotiated to have my car loan extended, and my car insurance payments dropped. That allowed me to pay off other things like my speeding ticket, AAA membership (I'm now a Plus member, yes yes yall!) and my Espanol classes.
What's left on my tab is paying off Purchase loans and Middlesex loans. My wallet won't ever stop crying. Middlesex first, so I can go back to higher education in January. That's the plan anyway. If I can't make it--prostitution. I JEST! I jest. Drugs. Definitely drugs. Again, jokes. I may just take another adult education class, possibly Spanish Dos, or something else like "How to get published"... I think that's what I saw in the catalogue. But that will be a fun class for me. Then I could put some of my typing energy to use, other than entertain the thousands that read my blog.
I wrote another post earlier today which I don't think I'm going to post, or maybe I'll post it later. It was more of a rant on the bipolar disorder, and how it possibly may be linking it to creative people, like myself. I stopped everything to read it, then I responded via my blog in a much longer entry than I usually write. Like I said, it was a rant. To make a long story short, people have suggested I'm bipolar because of the way I am, how I act, and how I feel which changes on a daily basis. A lot of those traits I have are symptoms of bipolarism. I don't think that's a word, but go with it. According to what I read on, those same symptoms can be applied to just being human. A crazy human, but a human nonetheless. I go into more about the crazy part, but I'll save it for later.
I had a long meeting today. It was more of a training class. But it was kinda long. Learning a new process to process our files. It's not important. But I love not having to go to the office for these things and practically everyone is on the phone. Unfortunately, people still don't know how to use the MUTE button. Sigh. Moving on...
I also wrote about some redecorating in my office, but I'll save that for later too. I want to try to take pictures and post them at the same time for once. I was going to take a picture of my car, but I had to get back to work and didn't have time. Plus right now, it's not that deep.
What I really want to do is go to sleep. But I want to watch the debate (on CNN). Then tomorrow, I need to make sure I'm registered to vote. I don't think I am. Before I hear gasps across the nation, let me explain--I am registered to vote, I just need to make sure I'm registered in Connecticut. The last time I voted, I was in New York schooling at Purchase. See? Fortunately, CT laws say I have until the day before Election day. Again, don't worry, I'm not going to wait that long. I'll do it a week before.
I may have another post before the night is through, dealing with books. Why the stank would I have a post about books? Well, it interested me when I read it and I want people to know I read more than just Entertainment Weekly. But don't hold your breath... it's not much of a reading list, but possibly insightful nonetheless. (That's twice I used that word today.) Plus it's me we're talking about, of course you'll be interested in what I do when I'm not writing, watching movies or stuffing my face with nutrients. Cinnabon, anyone? (I wish.)
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
4 days ago
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