I was going to wait to post tomorrow... or later in the week... but my memory isn't being my friend lately. Besides, 'tis the season to chat about festive events such as the one I was at this past weekend.
And where did I go (someone from the crowd in front of the screen asks)? I went to see The Rocky Horror Show brought to us by the talented Phoenix Theater. Interesting way I found out it was happening, I was sitting outside the theater it would be shown and saw this sign hanging above the door. I thought of my friend who liked the movie, and thought maybe she might wanna go. Turns out she did (yay!) and it became an early birthday present for her, which we both enjoyed (double yay!). I bought general admission tickets ($22), but we ended up sitting in the VIP area ($26). And we were so VIP that we were in the front row (VIP was the first 5 rows, tough for those who paid for VIP seats). This was bittersweet for me because where I was, I couldn't see some action going on the far stage left area... Or is it the audience's right? I've been out of theatre for a year and I already forgot my directions. Anyway, where I was sitting, the band was set up, and they had these walls blocking my view of a bed that had some girl-girl action and singing. It wasn't severely important to the main action on stage... but still, I need to take it ALL in, ya know? The FULL effect! Regardless, I highly enjoyed myself and it was a fun experience. I loved the audience participation even though at times it was slightly annoying, mostly because I wasn't used to it. But fortunately I was aware of it and warned my friend that being in the front row might make us unintended targets of some things being thrown. We were safe though. It could've been a lot worse. We might've been attacked with water pistols, hot dogs and buttered toast. Seriously.
And where did I go (someone from the crowd in front of the screen asks)? I went to see The Rocky Horror Show brought to us by the talented Phoenix Theater. Interesting way I found out it was happening, I was sitting outside the theater it would be shown and saw this sign hanging above the door. I thought of my friend who liked the movie, and thought maybe she might wanna go. Turns out she did (yay!) and it became an early birthday present for her, which we both enjoyed (double yay!). I bought general admission tickets ($22), but we ended up sitting in the VIP area ($26). And we were so VIP that we were in the front row (VIP was the first 5 rows, tough for those who paid for VIP seats). This was bittersweet for me because where I was, I couldn't see some action going on the far stage left area... Or is it the audience's right? I've been out of theatre for a year and I already forgot my directions. Anyway, where I was sitting, the band was set up, and they had these walls blocking my view of a bed that had some girl-girl action and singing. It wasn't severely important to the main action on stage... but still, I need to take it ALL in, ya know? The FULL effect! Regardless, I highly enjoyed myself and it was a fun experience. I loved the audience participation even though at times it was slightly annoying, mostly because I wasn't used to it. But fortunately I was aware of it and warned my friend that being in the front row might make us unintended targets of some things being thrown. We were safe though. It could've been a lot worse. We might've been attacked with water pistols, hot dogs and buttered toast. Seriously.
As I'm accustomed to doing, I'll write a full review on MySpace like I did for Bill Cosby and other events that entertained me. We went to the first showing on Friday, they did it two more times Saturday night, and they will do it again this coming weekend. So if you're going to be in Middletown this weekend, see if you can get a seat and a prop bag. I wasn't sure what was to be expected... production-wise. But hey, they did great with what they had and it was professional and fun. I say that because I thought I was going to an actual theatre-theatre... But like I said, it was cool the way it was. I wish I brought my camera to show pictures... but at least I included the poster (and it's a link to their site). I love to support the arts anytime I can and I'm aware of it. I had proper notification, so I was able to go. I was asked what part would I take if I got to be in this production... I'll take the narrator's job, thank you very much. I don't think I could rock a pair of pumps and fishnet stockings. I'll pass on all of that. I'd put a link to my review of the show... but I haven't written it yet.
In other news, I have a new obsession and it's not writing/words/art related. (GASP!!) As a matter a fact, it's a craze that hit sometime last year I think, and I never caught on to it because I didn't know what it was. Then when I did, I was like... uh... no thanks. What on earth am I talking about? Sudoku. (For those who still aren't sure how it's pronounced, I've heard it said "suh-DOUGH-coo" but it's Japanese I guess.) Anyway, I forget how I stumbled across it, but I haven't been able to stop playing it for the past few weeks. I addicted to it like college dudes are to porn. I downloaded it to my phone last night after getting tired of running up to my laptop (or creeping out of bed when I have trouble sleeping) just to play one more game. (C'mon, just one more game!) I'm still on easy, but I'm determined to get a faster and faster time. And I'll start out great, but then my brain will fry itself out thinking too hard, and next thing I know I'm crossing the 12 minute mark. My goal is 5 minutes. Not even close. And that's on easy! or "grasshopper" as my phone says. Sigh.
Anyway, back to Rocky Horror, I've since re-rented the movie to relive the... um... magic. I let my friend borrow it, even though she may buy it for herself and ruin what was going to be her birthday present since no one bought it for her yet. Oh well, that's why I have plans B thru E. It's on my list too. I'm not into transvestites or anything like that... but it's highly entertaining in a strange way. I can clearly see why that has a cult following. Hey, I follow Arrested Development on a cult level. That has nothing to do with Rocky Horror, I just wanted to get it in there.
What's that? I hear something... ...Sudoku is calling me. I must go crunch some numbers. Woot!
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