too pooped to poop
That's not why I'm so pooped. It's a start. I kinda had a late night last night because I felt the urge to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report which I never got to watch and really wanted to. So I did. No real regrets... Other than the lack of sleep and energy.
Work was work. Nothing new to talk about. Nothing I can remember anyway.
It was the after-work that killed me. More moving of my grandmother's things from point A to point B. Oh, and I met the movers today during my lunch break. I kind've wish I didn't, but I was there for my grandma because my dad couldn't stay. They weren't the typical guys I'd hang around, but they made me laugh because they kept messing with the "boss" guy with this little rubber ball-string thing. They pulled it back, and let it fly right in the man's bald head. It made a "bloop!" sound, so the guy doing it kept saying it, making everyone else laugh. Four guys altogether.
Anyway, after work I went back and loaded my car up with pillows and some other random things. I should've taken a picture. Sigh. Honestly, it looked like a small portion of my Comfy Room idea. I'll talk more about that later. I'll also take the rest of her stuff out later. I instead helped unload my dad's truck and my mom's van, full of mattresses, clothes, boxes of hats, and just... stuff. Some heavy, some cumbersome, some in between. My entire body was screaming. Mostly my lower back and most of the body of my feet. My feet's yelling was muffled by my shoes. They are still whimpering because of the pressure I'm putting on them right now. And my back?
A few weeks ago I saw an infomercial for a device my father and I mocked and laughed for a good 5 minutes where basically you strap yourself on a board, then you make the board turn you on an upside down slant, I think at a 45 degree angle. But it's supposed to help your back in some way. And right now, I want one.
In the meantime, I will eat my chicken quesadillas I ordered a little while ago, and try to call it a night way before midnight arrives. I'll take some pictures of some other things later. Like the jungle in my dining room and my Bob Dylan kit.
I'm actually home right now... so that's different. I'm still playing with the settings, which have recently changed a bit. Like the fonts. I don't know if that's me or my various posting methods. I'll figure it out eventually. I finally have a link to the other blog I post to now. Unfortunately you'll have to scroll down to see it.
Anyway, my grandmother is here now. She's slowly but surely moving in her essentials. The rest is going in storage until she finds an apartment. I'll send a pic of the jungle in our dining room later. I hear her banging around in the kitchen so I better get down there and act sociable. I'm sure she'll learn that I usually dwell in my room until food is prepared or served. Not that I'm antisocial, I just prefer being in my room, or out of the house. Is that so bad? Didn't think so.
Forever Lasts Tonight
Orange meets purple, here comes the tide.
The shore begins to darken, waves continue to ride.
As the sun kisses the sky goodnight,
a group of friends approach in the lunar light.
Sandy beaches under star speckled skies.
The full moon shines down where a blanket lies.
Familiar music plays that I know I never heard
but some how I'm able to sing each and every word.
Unaware that perception of time seems to fade,
understanding memories were meant to be made.
Laughing, living, loving with carelessly gentle ease
as the natural and comforting warm summer breeze.
Slowly, silently, we lament that time is not still.
We all agreed, if we could, it would be our will:
this summer's night would last forever.
The night will always reign a month before September.
We found tranquility in our little piece of the world.
If only we could share it with every boy and girl.
Alas, time moves on, and the sun returns to reign,
forcing the moon, stars and night from whence it came.
The friends continue to marvel at the beauty of hues.
The sun melting away darkness into light yellows and blues.
We, too, think it's due time we slip into sleep,
but we're too afraid to leave a place so serene and sweet.
Inspiring poems, stories, dreams, memories and songs.
It's hard to go home when it seems this is where we belong.
this poem needs a title...
always jumping for love when she should've crawled.
She'd tell you that'd say different, seeing what she saw--
looking past the imperfections and excluding all exceptions.
Ready to give affection with a heart san protection.
Again and again her heart gets broken.
And they say what doesn't kill, makes stronger.
Again and again I wonder, how much longer?
How much longer can her heart continue to burn?
How much longer until she's loved in return?
Have you ever looked in her eyes?
Have you ever seen them when she cries?
Do you know where she goes when she hides?
Do you follow the tracks of tears when she cries?
That's where she truly resides.
That's where her truth lies.
And it's a sensitive place...
with gentle grace...
soft embrace...
slow pace...
Within minutes, hours, days
her heart has regains strength.
It beats to a new rhythm that plays
as a new love flows from her heart,
from her soul, to yours, and out to the world.
The girl who loved to love, because she learned it from above.
blogging for the sake of blogging
Which gives me an idea... hmmmm... What methinks is I should text a PICTURE and see if that works. And yes, I'm thinking "out loud."
If that doesn't work, I still have my back up plan which is send emails to a special email address that is linked to this blog. I haven't tried it at work or my phone yet. Whenever I do, I won't be able to check it until I get home.
Back to the original thought... my phone is too advanced for this site I guess. Since the Voyager ranks with the iPhone, they aren't capable of the special text-to-blog feature. Oh well. You win some you lose some.
In the meantime, I think it's due time for some picture updates of things that have been going on around my house and at work. Nothing big, but since when do you need a big reason to post pics. Huh? HUH?? That's what I thought.
My room is freezing due to the lovely New England weather. I have a love-hate relationship with the climate here. Right now, I guess it's kind've neutral. Like the feeling you get when you meet your ex's new boyfriend. Or your new girlfriend's last boyfriend. In most cases, that's usually not a good feeling. But if you are as passive as I am, most people you know live in the range between 0 and any positive number.
I'm supposed to be cleaning my room. And I'm almost done... sort've. I just need to vacuum. My floor is so trashy. From many strands of hair from the last time I untwisted it, to tiny Smartfood Popcorn pieces that missed my mouth. Which is odd in itself because I eat them one at a time. So I think I'll go spray some Febreeze-like-fragrance-stuff made by All, then vacuum, giving my room that fresh smelling smell versus whatever it may have smelled like before. If only I had the energy to really clean up in here and throw stuff away.
Let's talk about cloning real quick. I'd really rather have the power to split myself up for a little while, so one of me can sort through papers and junk mail, and another me can throw things away, and another me can hang/fold clothes. I think one of me would take a nap, and another me can continue blogging. THEN when all is complete, we all join back up and I will have these tasks completed, and an extra boost of energy because one of me was resting. It's fun to dream.
Earth Day
Am I do anything special for Earth Day? Earth no! Why the earth should I when we are supposed to be doing the whole "going green" thing everyday? It's like showing love to your brethren and fellow man only on Christmas. I actually watched a Netflixed episode of the late animated cartoon Dilbert... yes based on the comic strip. Well this particular episode was titled "Holiday" and Dilbert complains how there are too many holidays at his job which means no one will ever get any work done. Although I do wonder if anyone works at that place besides him. And it's apparent why the animated series didn't last very long--the jokes are a little too complex. But then again so is the comic strip. At least I get those jokes. I gave up on Cathy years ago.
But we're talking about Earth Day. All the years before I remembered everyone-men and women, boys and girls, of all ages, races, walks-of-life--all holding hand and wearing matching white T-shirts with giant globes plastered on them and doing community service like picking up trash or planting a tree. And that was it. You might be lucky to see the same kind of Earth-P.D.A. around Arbor Day, which to me is a joke. A holiday for trees. Why not a holiday for grass? Dirt? Water? Air? Sunlight! Oh wait, that might be Sunday... Which, oddly enough, isn't always a sunny day. I think I'm thinking a wee bit too deeply about this all, because I feel the next step would be worshiping these natural things... which I know some people do anyway, but to some it's considered paganism.
I can't stay on topic today. I think I just wanted to say "I told you so" to those I told that Earth Day '08 will be one of the more biggerer Earth Days that we've had. I don't remember any concerts going on last year. We, they had the Live 8... But that wasn't for Earth Day.
Moral of this story - go outside. Play in the dirt like you were 9. Plant a tree, or a flower, or reseed my lawn with some thick and lush grass. Do it for the Earth. But do it EVERYDAY! Not just today.
working in connecticut
Surely I have blogworthy news. Not necessarily work-related. We're having pziza today, but surely that isn't something I'd write home about. There is always some kind've food festivity goings ons around here. Not as often as my sister's workplace. She had the nerve to text me and tell me it was "fried dough day."
I drank my iced latte pretty quickly. I wonder what kind of effect that will have on me later. Normally I'll drink a medium from about 7 til noon. Gives the chance the ice to melt and water some of it down. Which actually isn't all that great.
On related news, I need to buy new earphones once again! And just like the day I was in serach for Smartfood Popcorn, not a pair of the ones I like were in stock anywhere. So just like the Smartfood Popcorn, I'll have to wait a few days and then return. I also need to wait because Friday is payday.
What's so great about Smartfood Popcorn? Well it is one of my favorite snacks. But I'm very particular how, when and where I eat it. I need to be relaxed and probably watching TV, so I can have a good amount of time to ENJOY the cheesy puffs of air one by one. Yes, I eat each and every full popcorn, one at a time. I could consume a whole bag, but if I can help it, I'll just eat half and wait til later to finish it. Anyone, one day I was craving the Smartfoods and stopped by a local gas station and alas, they were sold out. By the way, I love the $2.49 bags. 99 cent bags are okay, but never enough, and the $3 bag doesn't have enough cheese, and forget about the family size. Hey, I've been eating this stuff for years, you would have it down to a science too. Anyway, I went to a bunch of places and they were all sold out. They had the reduced fat kind, but those have reduced flavor. So I was popcornless for a few days until I finally found a bag at a store recently stocked. It was like a bad dream.
Anyway, it was like that when I was looking for some new earphones. So while I'm at work, I use the "reserves" which is a backup older pair I bought and leave at my desk for use with my computer.
Hey, I got a new phone.
so much work not to do
I may have explained before, but if not, I'm on one side of the team working on specific kinds of files. I've been given the opportunity to move to the other side of the team to work of the more involved files. HOWEVER, I need to be trained to do that, and unfortunately do to all the new people recently hired, there weren't enough trainers for little ol' me. So I am being switched back to the other side. I'm waiting for that to be confirmed so I can go back to pulling the files I can work. So in the meantime I told my manager I'd keep myself busy until the change was made.
So far I've knitted a sweater, planted a tree by the parking lot, molded some clay into a cartoonish looking mouse, memorized the 3rd act of Hamlet, discovered the secret of lucid dreaming, tagged a small portion of the building, due to having strong morals, values and a guilty conscious, I promptly removed it, washed my car, took a short hike, made coffee, and I was about to embark on finding a cure for diarrhea... or why it has an "h" in it... but that bored me so I decided to "blog" instead. And by "blog" I mean write myself an email of what I would be blogging if I could get into my blog from here.
This would be a perk to working at home I think. Speaking of home, I need to make a phone call regarding car and cable information. Because those are calls I never feel like making when I'm at home. Call it laziness. 7 times out of 10, that's usually what it is anyway. 2 of those times, it's a memory problem. And sometimes that 1 time is I'm already busy doing something else... like sleeping. Well, I need to do something, so something I shall do. It won't involve diarrhea either.
one of those days
I'm still in a semi-good mood. I came up with 2 short film ideas. One of which I hope to rewrite into a feature film.
I have 12 new files left before I have no more work to do. That's until I talk to my manager. I'm changing over to another area in the department. Well, I will be eventually. Don't know if I'll like the change, but you can't knock it til you try it, right? I'll let you know how it turns out like a month later.
Writer's Wretreat - April '08 (Continued w/ pics)

I looked at the ceiling a lot too. Nice ceilings. The lighting in this picture is a lot better than the other pictures. It doesn't look as dingey as some of the others suggest. I was too lazy to change the settings.

Well, that was a small look at my room. I left out some of the other things. It wasn't a huge room, but it was nice. I'd go again, and when I do, at LEAST two nights I have to stay. As for now, I need to get some sleep.
Writer's Wretreat - April '08
"Write what?" A random voice might ask... but doesn't.
"Why, anything, my dear invisible figment of my imagination voice!"
And so far I've only typed out a script I wrote while at work. I also reminded myself of the other projects I may have started or at least wrote down so I can flesh out later. And just recently I put my foot to sleep and its tingling like mad!
Okay... it's subsiding.
Besides that, the hotel I'm staying at is so far away, that I'm still in the same city. I'm at a nice place called Candlewood Suites, which it looks like it's owned by Holiday Inn. Isn't that the chain that makes you feel smarter? Hmm... I think I'm thinking of Holiday Express... Maybe they are related. Too lazy to search.
I'm currently watching Back to the Future 3 which has a funny way of dating itself even though it takes place in olden western times. Basically the remarks made by Marty McFly. Doesn't make it any less of a film though. However, I still like part 2 best. One day I'll do the whole back to back thing. Back to the back to the future... heh... corny pun. Okay, this part 3 is quite humorous. Marty called him a jerk. Western Biff didn't know what that meant. Chuckle. And the special effects... good for it's time.
Anyway, I should probably get back to brainstorming and at least writing out the stories so I can write the scripts later. I wish a few of my filmmaker friends were here, like Magda. That may be a few months from now. Everyone is in school except me. Oh well.
By the way, never buy Sathers Gummi Worms... They aren't very gummi.
Maxxed the Energy Pop

Meanwhile, this hilariously frightening lolly-in-a-can remains on my desk at work, waiting for an emergency of low energy. It almost happened on Wednesday before the big meeting when I had to do my "presentation" on best practices. Turns out I had my own natural jitters, so there was no way I was introducing whatever that "candy" was laced with. But one day, I'll try it. If it does to me what Monster does, then I won't be getting it again anytime soon.
So if I'm ever super sleepy, I think I'll pop this can a la Popeye... theme song and all.
Speaking of cartoons... this isn't anything to give to children. I haven't tried it yet, but I already know. For all I know, this would make a small child explode. Which might be kinda cool, but I don't want to go to jail for risk of injury to a minor, or murder.
Is it too much to ask?
As for non-pet peeve related events, I held the floor for a short while in our team meeting discussing how I magically make numerous file disappear by the hundreds on a weekly basis. I was super nervous up until I started speaking. I mean I still was nervous WHILE I was speaking, but that's because of the murmers from the audience. Actually, one person was shaking her head as if to disagree. But I think I misunderstood that as "I couldn't do that", and not "You can't do that!"
Besides, I didn't even give all my so-called secrets of how I do what I do. I just told them the day to day, not the file to file. The file to file is what I think they really want to know. As it stands right now, I have 74 files. ! short of the required quota. To keep my own personal standard, from the rest of today until tomorrow around 6:30pm, I need to complete 26 files, or more. Fortunately I have 7 that might be ready to go right now. I wonder if I perfect my process, I can have 70 in the first 2 days. Let's not forget, I'm here for 10 hours or more. Usually more. I like the overtime. A lot. Daddy needs a new camera.
The strange thing about that phrase is that it can actually apply to my own father... since he wants a camera for the church. So I don't think I'll say it very often. Maybe I'll get an iMac instead. Or a Chihuahua. I know, no connection whatsoever. Don't question my logic.
My dad works for an incorporated home improvement chain, and he's been working at this particular branch for a couple months now. They are officially opening this Thursday. Today, or tomorrow, they've been having a soft opening. Honestly, I'm like Carl Reiner in Ocean's Thirteen trying to determine what the difference is between a soft and grand opening. "One day it was closed, the next day it was open." I may have paraphrased. I haven't watched the movie in a little over a month.
Okay, I had to get a different program, I think this one worked... we'll soon find out.
here we go again
Oh well, here's to new beginnings.
I'm so out of it I don't even feel like writing about what I was orginially going to write about.