

I guess you can say today was a good day. Why not? I completed 47 or 48 files at work. (I can't remember.) I "fixed" the fax/copy machine. (I just hit cancel when someone decided to made 115 copies (or more) of 3 pages when I think they meant to fax it... it was newbie.) And in the past 24 hours I've written 2 brand new poems. Well, I started the 2nd completed one a week ago, but I finished it at work. But of which are now posted on here. I'm loving that I can just email my thoughts to this blog now.

I'm actually home right now... so that's different. I'm still playing with the settings, which have recently changed a bit. Like the fonts. I don't know if that's me or my various posting methods. I'll figure it out eventually. I finally have a link to the other blog I post to now. Unfortunately you'll have to scroll down to see it.

Anyway, my grandmother is here now. She's slowly but surely moving in her essentials. The rest is going in storage until she finds an apartment. I'll send a pic of the jungle in our dining room later. I hear her banging around in the kitchen so I better get down there and act sociable. I'm sure she'll learn that I usually dwell in my room until food is prepared or served. Not that I'm antisocial, I just prefer being in my room, or out of the house. Is that so bad? Didn't think so.

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