
blogging for the sake of blogging

1000 apologies for not really blogging lately. Since I've recieved my long anticipated LG Voyager, I've been trying to hook it up to all the things that I like using, such as email, MySpace (haven't tried actually), games, music, banking and blogging. This blog has a feautre where you can send text messages to your blog and it'll post it, so I can literally blog from anywhere as long as I have a signal.

Which gives me an idea... hmmmm... What methinks is I should text a PICTURE and see if that works. And yes, I'm thinking "out loud."

If that doesn't work, I still have my back up plan which is send emails to a special email address that is linked to this blog. I haven't tried it at work or my phone yet. Whenever I do, I won't be able to check it until I get home.

Back to the original thought... my phone is too advanced for this site I guess. Since the Voyager ranks with the iPhone, they aren't capable of the special text-to-blog feature. Oh well. You win some you lose some.

In the meantime, I think it's due time for some picture updates of things that have been going on around my house and at work. Nothing big, but since when do you need a big reason to post pics. Huh? HUH?? That's what I thought.

My room is freezing due to the lovely New England weather. I have a love-hate relationship with the climate here. Right now, I guess it's kind've neutral. Like the feeling you get when you meet your ex's new boyfriend. Or your new girlfriend's last boyfriend. In most cases, that's usually not a good feeling. But if you are as passive as I am, most people you know live in the range between 0 and any positive number.

I'm supposed to be cleaning my room. And I'm almost done... sort've. I just need to vacuum. My floor is so trashy. From many strands of hair from the last time I untwisted it, to tiny Smartfood Popcorn pieces that missed my mouth. Which is odd in itself because I eat them one at a time. So I think I'll go spray some Febreeze-like-fragrance-stuff made by All, then vacuum, giving my room that fresh smelling smell versus whatever it may have smelled like before. If only I had the energy to really clean up in here and throw stuff away.

Let's talk about cloning real quick. I'd really rather have the power to split myself up for a little while, so one of me can sort through papers and junk mail, and another me can throw things away, and another me can hang/fold clothes. I think one of me would take a nap, and another me can continue blogging. THEN when all is complete, we all join back up and I will have these tasks completed, and an extra boost of energy because one of me was resting. It's fun to dream.

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