I was trying to hold off from blogging until tomorrow morning... But I'm just too doggone excited doggone it! I finally got a decent start in a script I've been procrastinating with for the past... I don't know... two months? Could be longer. Doesn't matter. Finished projects matter! And ohhh, how I love that feeling of accomplishment. It's slightly better than watching someone else trip and fall on something you almost tripped and fell on yourself.
I'm not really sadistic. I just sound that way.
Well, I probably should get back to work. I have some actual worth while news to read and pictures to post from the windless dry hurricane and my completed work at home office space. Oh yeah, I'm offically WAH now. Woot woot yall.
Let's shoot for... I dunno... 24 by 2am? Heh... yeah right. My back is killing me. I need a muse. Actually, more of a massuse. A pretty girl that can do both. And bake cookies. Is that too much to ask? Maybe I'll put it in the personals. "SBM seeking F muse that massages and bakes." Is that how personals are written? ...Anyone interested? I can pay in compliments :oD
--Your eyes are like giant shiny pools of chlorine ehanced swimming waters/milk chocolately Cocoa Puff/green things that are naturally green and pretty/hazel.
--You have smile that make angry people run in fear.
--Your hair is like newly fresh silk from Madagascarian... silkmakers...
Yes, I need a nap. More importantly, I need to keep writing. And a muse. And some cookies.
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
5 days ago
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