I got scared because I received another "Unavailable" call on my cell today. Usually, the trend has been that I'd get Bank of America looking for a car payment when it's like 5 hours past due. Quite annoying. Then on a rare occasion, it was a crank caller posing as a girl I met at a club the previous Saturday night, wanting to hook up later that day to meet at a cafe and grab a cup of coffee then have sex. Little do crank callers know, not everyone is easily disturbed or annoyed, especially if they employ improv tactics to said crank call. The trick? The "yes... and..." method. Basically that means to just agree and go along with it, kind've adding to the story. I've kept this up for about an hour with one guy. He was so pissed. It made my night, though.
Anyway, my chair will be arriving next Thursday. Well, me and my mother's chairs will be arriving. So the dining room can have it pinkish bizzare chair back. It's soooo not my style. Although I hope these chairs are good and comfy. My chair here at work is poop.
How is my countdown looking, you mgiht ask? One week to the day. Does it look like that will be happening? No. So shall we bump it another week? Let's! 8/28/2008.
Speaking of that week... One of the sysetms that's vital to our work ethic with be down from the 22nd to the 2nd of September, which means that's a lot of downtime for us. Our manager has told us we are welcome to use any personal time off we want to escape for the week or so, and she'll waive the policy that says a certain number of people must be here during the work hours. My only issue is, I don't want to use my PTO. I'm stingy. I want to use it on something big! And I want to still have some left over for like, emergencies. I do want a vacation though, but I have no where to go. Plus I can't afford one right now anyway.
Which brings me to my next topic... My next Writer's Wretreat... I hope to also have at the end of August. I haven't chosen a hotel to stay at, but I will stay longer than one night. I was going to pick a hotel close to a Pizza Hut. I don't need a place that has a great view of anything, or is near some attraction. I'm going to be inside at my laptop anyway. Probably watching movies and/or TV shows on DVD back to back for hours on end. More than likely Arrested Development and Psych will be involved. Good times indeed.
Well I need to close out my nubmers for the week. We'll see if we make it.
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
5 days ago
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