Today isn't going to be my last day, but I'm packing up like it would be. I already told my mom that I'd leave the things on my wall until the last day because I hate the way empty walls look if I'm still going to be hanging around for the next day or so. I remember the same feeling back at Purchase a day or so before it was time to go home for the summer. That just made me all kinds of sad. What's sort've worse is that I never moved back in like I hoped I would. But all of that is fine, since I moved on to better things. To be honest, a lot of that stuff is still packed in the containers and are being used as makeshift tables. I pretend I will retrieve something rfom there that I'll one day suddenly need, but I couldn't tell you what's in either one. No wait, I lied... There's a water bottle, some books by Dave Barry, an actual joke book, college books I've never read, watches I'll never wear again. Yes, plural. I went through a double watch phase. Don't ask me about that right now.
I wanted to go get some eggs for breakfast this morning. I've been craving them since last night. Probably even more so yesterday morning after the eggs my grandmother made for everyone. I'm sure she would've made more, but we only had so many. And I can't wait to have money to spend again because I'll need to stock up on eggs at home, so I can have my eggy meals practically for free. Oh yes, and the shredded cheese to be all melty on the top. Mmmmm. Anyway, I went to cafe and what did I find? Well, they had the scramblers, which are gross. Next they had Spanish style scrambled eggs. I don't do those because of the extra stuff in it that I don't eat. I love the Spanish, but not their eggs. Lastly, the sandwich bar. If you remember back a few posts, I wrote about the breakfast wraps which are af ew ingredients away from being burritos. Either one isn't good news to me. At least they aren't here. They have a way of being soggier than one thinks such foods should be. I may have used the word "sweaty" to describe them once. And I know this particular paragraph makes me sounds disgustingly picky... but I'm not that bad. I just go into great detail about minor things that make me wonder.
Even before I'm done with this post, I'm determining my official go-home date. I sort've feel like this is my big countdown like Barak Obama picking a VP. Ahh... good times and analogies.
I really want some eggs.
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
5 days ago
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