In other news, Tropic Thunder is getting lots of heat. And as the saying goes, and publicity is good publicity. Originally, I thought it was because of Robert Downey, Jr portraying a black man. That maybe some of it, but according to CNN, it's the American Association of People with Disabilities... or the politically incorrect term would be the "handicapped" or even "the r-word" so it seems now. I gotta tell you, some of this stuff is getting ridiculous. I know we have feelings and need to respect each other. Some black people are comfortable with using the N word, some aren't. Some homosexuals don't mind being referred to as a F word, some hate it. And even some women detest being called a B word, others could care less or even refer to themselves as such. One way or another, someone is going to be offended. I got off track. Tropic Thunder is being protested because of it's liberal use of calling people "retard." I'm not going to act holier than thou super innocent, I've used the word. A point was made that at one point, it was actually the correct term for the handicapped... well... not all of them. I can't help it. I see a wheel chair, I think handicapped. I see the handicapped parking space, not a person with disabilities parking spot. Plus it's all just too much to say. We can all scream and rant not to be labeled, but at the end of the day, people will still think of you as being handicapped, people will still think of me as black, and McCain will still be old.
I totally went off on a tangent, partially, as to why I'm having an issue of the protest of the movie. I think I just want it to be known--it's just a movie! It's another form of freedom of speech. If it offends you, don't watch it! And if you don't want others to not watch it, protesting is the wrong way to go about it. Has there ever been a successful protest against a movie that impacted the sales of said movie? I'm honestly asking. I don't know of any. Even when the whole Columbine thing happened a few years ago, the news made connections to The Basketball Diaries and what happened? People went out to rent that movie. How do I know? My friends were talking about it.
Let me move on...
The dude who went by the name Rockefeller. I wasn't really following the story too much, but apparently he's getting some of his memory back about his mysterious past. Have you seen a picture of this guy?

Heh... that's not exactly flattering picture... but doesn't this guy just scream "I've got issues!"? I'm just talking about this picture. Not the guy in general. But on the news... he tends to look like all the time. He also reminds me a bit of Robin Williams. Specifically from one of his dramatic movies like One Hour Photo which I did not like. I have my reasons. I don't really have opinions about this guy other than he may have been faking his amnesia, I just wanted to show his picture. That's not a dude I want to meet.
*Picture provided by, yeah. Don't come after me. Please.
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