It's friPoday's iPick time, and iSaac and I decided to review John Legned's latest, Evolver. I thought I was late, thinking the album dropped last week, but that was in the UK. But since I'm such a big Legend fan, I will skip what I was going to pick (Little Shop of Horrors Movie Soundtrack) in favor of my hero, Mr. Legend.

Anyway, we'll start with the lead hit single "Green Light". I'll admit that it wasn't an immediate hit for me, but how often does that ever happen? No doubt I love the song now. And I'll do everything I can to keep myself from overplaying it (this is why I rarely listen to the radio). What drives this song home for me is the featured artist, which is one of my favorite artists--Andre 3000 of Outkast, my favorite rap duo ever. The video is hot too. I wish I was there. And I wish I could just walk up to some girl and be like "Gimme the green light!" I'm sure I could in an alternate universe, or if I was John Legend or Andre 3000. One note I want to make known, I dislike when the first single is the first track. (Technically the first track is an intro... but still... stop it.)
"It's Over" - Features the great Kanye West and his new best friend the vocoder thing that makes your voice sound robotic. I personally dislike this device. It makes you sound like you can sing or carry a tune... while sounding like a robot. Hey, it works in some occasions. Like when Daft Punk uses it. Don't get me started on T-Pain and Lil Wayne... But we'll talk about the song, not bad... It's early, I haven't weeded out my favorites or the songs I'd uncheck on iTunes just yet.
"Everybody Knows" - This is a song I liked the first time I heard it. I love the beat, and then John let's his voice does its thing all over thing song. I'd commit this song to memory just to see if I have similar vocal ranges. Plus the song is just beautiful, yet a little sad. When I finally egt to see him in concert, he BETTER do this song or else I'll be a very angry fan. I'm not going to call it yet, but this could be my favorite song on the album.
"Quickly" - I really like the theme of this song. This should come on right after "Green Light." The message of this song is actually somewhat on a social level, which is another reason I like this song. It's essentially saying "Let's get together and be in love immediately since the world is falling apart and everything is going bad, even though I don't really know you." Yeah, this is another song I'd use on the ladies ;o) ...thanks John.
I just remembered this CD has 16 tracks (15 songs), woot! And this is the first album I bought via iTunes. I think this is enviromentally friendly. No trees were harmed in the purchasing of this album. I digress. I won't review each song because this post will be too disgustingly long. Even for my standards. This album is long enough for me though, unlike the last few CDs that barely make up an hour. Might I add that buying the album was $10? Surely a nice price for solely (souly) the music alone. I got a booklet too (which as of right now I haven't played with or figured out. I don't think it's viewable on iSaac's screen, and if so, I haven't figured that out yet).
I read professional and amateur reviews, since I consider myself in the middle, I will comment and say it's not the best he's done, but it's certainly not the worst. He's still sharpening his craft. I think his next album will be the masterpiece album. I remember when Once Again came out, I was already ready for more. I do like how each album has a sound all it's own. This one does sound like it's evolved and has a grown-up sound to it. Not traditional R&B sounding. Then again, I always felt Legend is in a class by himself.
Give me a week or so, and I will have a good chunk of this album memorized. And I can probably write a more thorough review... and maybe concise reviews of each song. Overall, as of now, this album is hot and I recommend buying it. But then again, I'm biased and would go see him in concert singing the telephone book. Has anyone actually done that yet? That'll be one my music videos. I can see it now...
I've started buying songs (and music videos) via iTunes lately now that I have a credit card I don't know what to do with. Don't worry, it's only a few songs a week. And I still use's services too as long as people keep giving me the codes from Pepsi products. Why music videos when you can see them for free at YouTube? Quality and iPodding. That's why. I know it's possible to save a video from YouTube, but the quality isn't up to par with what iTunes offers. As for buying the songs, credit is given where credit is due. And I dislike bootlegs or people stealing movies, I've since changed my ways about music as well. Sure they get paid, but if I'm a real fan, I should show it and BUY their stuff. If I don't care about them? Well... that's a different story. I don't condone stealing of any kind. Except witty phrases and insults. Especially those that are written on t-shirts.