Writer's Wretreat - August '08 [part 4]
I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do. I never did finish up the projects like I wanted, nor did I get to read Our Uncle Sam or finish off A Purpose Driven Life. I have the rest of tonight and possibly tomorrow. I'm hoping there are no surprises, like going to Uncle So-and-so's for a cookout or something.
Once I got home, I went directly to sleep. I still don't feel I slept long enough. Friends and family apparently missed me, so they felt the need to tell me so with text messages, phone calls, and more knocks at the door. There is no rest for the weary.
I said it before, but next time I'm serious. I will write out a schedule, if you will, or a to-do list, of things I must complete or at least put some chunks of work into. And I probably need to schedule time for all of the projects that I started that still aren't fleshed out. I think I was holding off because I wanted to retreat with someone else whom I could bounce ideas off of, help in the story building process or someone who could read something freshly written. I already know that you can't let just anyone read your stuff. They need some sense of how screenplays work, and how to tell a good story.
My allergies have been killing me all weekend. My nose needs to be detached. Just for a few hours. Please? I'd like to breathe without being tickled at the same time. I'd also not want to have feeling of sneezing, or that look like your face is about to explode, every 5 mins... or less. Not cool.
Overall, I had a good time this weekend. I did get some rest. I got to do absolutely nothing for a couple hours. I did some hardcore typing for many hours (sounds so vulgar), and I watched things I already saw but enjoyed even more. I even caught some sunrise, which is always beauty at it's best.
Writer's Wretreat - August '08 [part 3]
Even though I've been sitting in the same spot for about... 7 hours, I still haven't done much editting to Sam's One Night Stand. I think that's what I'm going to go with as a title. I got some feedback from a friend I sent the initial script to. I just sent her the newer version, but it's not the final completed version. If I still have energy, I may just get that over with and call it a night. Or morning. Or day. I think I'm going to start preparing to go home. With a suite like this, do they expect me to wash my dishes? I brought the wrong camera to document my stay here. I would've had some awesome shots of the silverware, food I ate, amazing stunts I did that people should never do in their own home. I jest. Like last time, I mostly sat at the desk.
Ocean's Thirteen came on HBO 2 unexpectedly. What's even more uncanny is Ocean's Eleven was on TBS at the same time! What a choice to make. I went 13 since it was uncensored and commercial free. I lucked out though because 11 came on a 2nd time... So you know where I was for about 4 hours. Yep, in the ugly brown recliner that is nowhere as comfy as the one at home. And I munched on my complimentary bag of buttered free popcorn that I almost burned, and decaf coffee that I brewed myself. Aren't I special?
So that was part of my vacationing, and it was good. I had to get back into workmode which was a little difficult. I was distracted and inspired by reading my new favorite blogs and the comments people make. Then I decided to get snacks. All of that helped me to... [insert drumroll]
Write a brand new story! I haven't started the script, I don't know if I will do it now... but either way, I'm feeling accomplished. What is it called? Working title would be The Writing Retreat. I like puns... and there really isn't one in that title. Concept: A struggling young writer taking a weekend off at a hotel to focus on writing new material, meets an unexpected muse that changes his life forever. The fun thing about that concept alone, it's based on a true story. As for the story itself, well, it's partially based in truth, but later in the story, my imagination takes over. But it's not like crazy imagination. It's a story I could easily film if a bunch of actors were in the room next to me and they worked for free and on a whim.
Speaking of neighbors... what is with the people about me??? Who does that much walking?! Seriously! At least they are sitting now, I hope. I may have to write that in the script, what my character would be thinking is going on in the room above his. A dance party? Musical chairs? A ballet performance chef? People warming up for a marathon?
Good God in the sweet heavens above me, I would like a nap.
I was going to have a Seinfeld marathon... but I've stuck with Psych. This show makes me happy. I thought I'd get through both seasons, but I'm still on season one. And the movies I rented? Didn't touch them since I've been here. Go fig. I know why though. I couldn't write something new and watch something new at the same time. Plus, watching familiar things that I love, inspires me to write, and hopefully it's up to par to whatever I'm watching.
Crap in a hat... my eyes are too weary to continue. I've seen too many words in one sitting. I'm going to clean up a bit, open the curtains, enjoy more Psych, as I float off to La La Land. It's nice, they like me there.
Oh yeah! Bounty towels are really awesome! They really are as tough as the commercials say. And yes, I'm amazed by the simplest things in life.
Writer's Wretreat - August '08 [part 2]
I had a great sleep by the way. I want to smuggle these pillows out because of their awesome fluffiness. I am reminded of a Seinfeld episode with George being annoyed that his sheets are tucked in too tightly. I sort've had the same issue, but I dealt with it... and slept peacefully from about 6am to noon. Now here it is just about 3pm, and I am mostly complete. I need a quick nap before I do some hardcore reading... and probably some food too. But I have the rest of the night for that, and I can probably work on some other back burner projects OR start a brand new one. And by brand new, probably something that has been in my head but hasn't seen the light of a laptop, or been heard by any ears other than the one inside my head. That makes me sound all kinds of weird, doesn't it?
What's weird is who else is up at the wee hours of the morning walking around constantly? And no, it isn't sounds of beds moving way more than they should, it's actual footsteps. Believe me, I know the difference and I don't wanna talk about it. Anyway, the footsteps went on and on all night. It's a good thing I wasn't trying to sleep! Man, some people. My other deductive reasoning would have me believe that it's because my room is right next to a stairwell. So, that could be the reason for all the footsteps. Still... why so much walking at 3 - 4 am? And my TV goes off every few hours. I'm thinking it's an energy saving thing, but still... it's a little creepy sometimes.
Well, 'tis time for a wee nap. This is a partial vacation, I should be able to lounge around and do absolutely nothing for a little while, enjoy some free cable and a big comfy bed. But the productiveness shall continue indefinitely.
[Writers] WRETREAT!!!! [august '08 - part 1]
I have a more relevent question. Is it considered a "staycation" if I'm still in the same city? I'm going to pretend I'm in another country by watching BBC America. Monty Python is on. Good stuff. Bloody hilarious, actually. But I brought half of my DVD collection with me, so I'll have some familiar backgrond noise to keep me going in my writings. And this time, I'll be staying long enough to actually get some sleep. I tell you, when I get serious about writing, I don't think sleep is that important. Maybe I should take a nap now.
Since I'm on a retreat, I'll report a bit more frequently than I have been just because I can. I also brought my camera, so I may do some recording as well as document with pictures of what I've been doing while here. I'll leave out the parts with the college party with illegal narcotics, harlots, and booze galore.
running out of time... and days off
I tried a new pizza place that was recommended to me today. They already won points by getting here in 20mins. I feel bad I gave them a lousy tip. When I order from them again, I'll make up for it. I'll give them a Hallmark card that says "Thank you."
Anyway, I received Our Uncle Sam yesterday from author Erik Greene, who is the great nephew of Sam Cooke. I was already hooked by the beginning. It's exactly what I was looking for to help with my script. I'm going to see how quickly I can read it. But I want to finish one thing at a time, of course. Which means the pizza is first on my plate... literally. Well, if I was eating from a plate. I normally just take the box and run.
I also managed to watch a slew of movies, which I've reviewed all on my Myspace blog. Movies recently reviewed? 21, Park, College Road Trip, Penelope, and Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. I will probably continue this movie span in the next few days. This helps in my writing process in so many ways. "How to make a movie that doesn't suck." Speaking of movies that will probably go down in flames, isn't Disaster Movie's title really just punctuate the movie itself? I've seen enough trailers that have me convinced I want to cry if I had to pay to see this movie.
Someone is drumming very badly next door. They really should stop or I might sneak in their house and fill their drums with cement.
Speaking of which, I still haven't received word from Dr. Bob... So I may once again hold off until NEXT week, possibly Friday, to get Sam (the car) out of the hospital. So this weekend, I may finally get a wee retreat. I need to spend time away from this house. I'm thinking back to Candlewood Suites. It's nice there. Plus I never really got to sleep in the bed since I only stayed for one night and practically sat at the desk the whole time I was there. I only slept for 2 hours there. I melted into the mattress before I had to peel myself out when the cleaning lady came a'knockin. So yeah, $300 should cover a couple nights wherever I choose to go for a couple nights.
Methinks I need a nap now. Which some would see as odd since I didn't do anything today. On the contrary, last night I typed out Bible study questions for my dad. About 7 chapters, all in one sitting. Oh, my poor fingers. I wanted to detach them and sit them in some cooling waters, then hang them to dry. But sleeping for about 7 hours worked too. All I want now is just 15 mins of a nap. Or more. We have to sing tonight in Middletown at some service that I think is outside... It might not be... I'm not sure. But I need to rest. So rest I shall. And drink plenty of fluids. And don't call me in the morning.
My day today has been so-so. I slept with my window open, inviting a cool breeze that helped put my body in a such a deep sleep that I slept through both of my alarms. By "both alarms" I mean 2 separate alarming devices that went off at least 3 times each. My mom called me around 9 asking if I was going to work. Yes, it's possible to be late when you are working from home. I threw some clothes on and headed to the office--a whole hallway and flight of stairs away.
Later my grandmother surprised me with lunch, brought to you by McDonald's. I love my grandmother dearly, but I didn't have the heart to tell her I don't eat McDonald's. Before any anti-Mickey D people get too excited, let me explain WHY I don't eat their food. It's not because they are all over the world and #1 or maybe have shady dealings or make false claims about having the best fries or the chicken is make-believe or they have a weak breakfast menu. No, it's none of that. And I'm not ashamed of admitting I'm a corporate or brand name whore. I'd name a child Sony if I could get away with it. I also like the names Phoenix and Nefertiti, but again, that's something to discuss with the mother* who at this point is non-existent. (*Applications are in the main office by the door. Attach a photo and brief discription and wait about a week for a response.) I dislike McDonald's because after consumption, my tummy starts to hate me and wreaks havoc on the rest of my body causing me to growl and scowl involuntarily, sometimes frightening small nearby children in the process. If only I could get the words "Don't eat McDonald's" I might save them from the same fate. They won't think those Happy Meals are so jolly anymore. Well, I can tolerate the apple pies. But I won't give in to too much of their food unless I don't have any other choice and there wasn't a field of fresh grass to nibble on until I could get to a Taco Bell or KFC, which is a step above McD. I don't eat too much fast food, but when I do, I'm on the picky side.
I like the French. They have given great things such as croissants, Love Me If You Dare, Amelie and Paris, je t'aime, the city of Paris (for which the film is named after), Daft Punk and what I used to think was Napoleon ice cream... But I was confusing the French ruler(s) with Italian desserts. BIG difference. That has nothing to do with anything I was doing today other than listening to Daft Punk and wondering if French toast is really from France... And it isn't. At one point it was called German toast. Then French. I never heard "Freedom toast" back when they had "Freedom fries." Anyway, look it up on Wikipedia. 'Tis quite interesting.
Lastly, I'm going to post a video of a past performance of which I rarely ever watch due to that queazy feeling I get from watching myself on screen. You are your own worst critic, as they say... I'm no exception to myself. But this is me singing "A Change is Gonna Come" for the first time in public, back in 2007, January 27th... which was 2 days before my birthday as I celebrated by throwing a poetry party/show at my church. My sister is introducing me as the host/emcee of the evening, as well as the featured poet later that night. And my fam and I all dressed alike--black and jeans. Anyway, I would need to perform this again so I can feel better about myself knowing there is a better performance of this song with my name attached. I dunno when that will be... I do like my hair at this time though...
progress and pizza
How would one write a chase scene anyway? I have a feeling it's almost like writing directions from point A to point B, except you break as many laws as possible in the process of the trip. That isn't always true since I managed to get myself in a chase scene one morning. Good times. Well, not at the time. Had an amusing conversation with a grocery store clerk moments later while I was trying to take cover. Okay, it wasn't really funny ha-ha... just awkward, perhaps. I felt endangered, paranoid while still clever and mildly witty, and she didn't want to be awake nor did she care of my peril. She just wanted me to buy my Cinnamon Toast Crunch and leave. And I did. And it was delicious... whenever I ate it.
None of that has anything to do with the Sam Cooke project. I've written technically 25 pages. My creativeness is done. Now I must type out the lyrical portion of the historic yet unknown/underrated concert. Like Arrested Development, my feelings are you either love it, or don't know about it. My mission is to alert the world and spread the word of Sam's greatness. We've heard about Ray, we'll get a taste of Marvin, we just lost Isaac and we recently honored Al. When is Sam going to get his? Huh? HUH?!
Allow me to calm down. Still taking my anger out on those trees over the weekend. I hope that saga is over as of tonight. I'm so tired of outside. The last tree my dad cut down I had to help move across the 1000 acre woods which is my yard, to the side of the street. Fortunately we found a little red wagon. Wheels make the world so much better. Let that be the invention of the era.
I finally started using my little Moleskin notebook. And once again, my dad proves where I get my personality from. A co-worker asked him: "Why are you so mean?" Dad: "Why do you ask dumb questions?" Yep, that'd be something I'd say too.
Oh yeah! I went shopping today. Not that it's that exciting, but I bought a pair of jeans that I swear were placed in the wrong department. The tag says "Mens"... but they make my legs look like a woman. And not in a good way. They also feel like low-rise. Which are super-sexy on women. But me? No. In any event, I do shop like a guy, and I made good time considering I went into a busy store, in the middle of the day on a Saturday at the end of tax-free week. Picked out 3 shirts and 3 pants. Well, 2 pants... one is going back because I think they were built for women. Or men skinnier than me. Like Snoop Dogg.
I'm rambling... yet again. The pizza reference in the title? I have a couple slices in front of me that I regret taking big bites of. I need to roll over and probably keep rolling. And probably in the direction of the gym. It's hard being friends with both the gym and the pizza place. They missed me though. The pizza place that is.
Mmmm. Cheese.
cops and eggs
12 pages and counting
I'm not really sadistic. I just sound that way.
Well, I probably should get back to work. I have some actual worth while news to read and pictures to post from the windless dry hurricane and my completed work at home office space. Oh yeah, I'm offically WAH now. Woot woot yall.
Let's shoot for... I dunno... 24 by 2am? Heh... yeah right. My back is killing me. I need a muse. Actually, more of a massuse. A pretty girl that can do both. And bake cookies. Is that too much to ask? Maybe I'll put it in the personals. "SBM seeking F muse that massages and bakes." Is that how personals are written? ...Anyone interested? I can pay in compliments :oD
--Your eyes are like giant shiny pools of chlorine ehanced swimming waters/milk chocolately Cocoa Puff/green things that are naturally green and pretty/hazel.
--You have smile that make angry people run in fear.
--Your hair is like newly fresh silk from Madagascarian... silkmakers...
Yes, I need a nap. More importantly, I need to keep writing. And a muse. And some cookies.
I wanted to go get some eggs for breakfast this morning. I've been craving them since last night. Probably even more so yesterday morning after the eggs my grandmother made for everyone. I'm sure she would've made more, but we only had so many. And I can't wait to have money to spend again because I'll need to stock up on eggs at home, so I can have my eggy meals practically for free. Oh yes, and the shredded cheese to be all melty on the top. Mmmmm. Anyway, I went to cafe and what did I find? Well, they had the scramblers, which are gross. Next they had Spanish style scrambled eggs. I don't do those because of the extra stuff in it that I don't eat. I love the Spanish, but not their eggs. Lastly, the sandwich bar. If you remember back a few posts, I wrote about the breakfast wraps which are af ew ingredients away from being burritos. Either one isn't good news to me. At least they aren't here. They have a way of being soggier than one thinks such foods should be. I may have used the word "sweaty" to describe them once. And I know this particular paragraph makes me sounds disgustingly picky... but I'm not that bad. I just go into great detail about minor things that make me wonder.
Even before I'm done with this post, I'm determining my official go-home date. I sort've feel like this is my big countdown like Barak Obama picking a VP. Ahh... good times and analogies.
I really want some eggs.
installation and destruction day
Long story short, every hour or so, I (and sometimes my mom) had been called to help bring down a rather large limb. I finally got wise and got gloves to pull on the rope (for what I was called for) so I could use what mere strength I have to help guide the huge nature pieces down.
I'll post some pictures later. Meanwhile, tomorrow could almost possibly be my 2nd to last day at the office. Maybe not. I don't know.
I just know right now, I'm hungry. I'm feeling a little moody because of a slight headache which might be due to my non-food intake. Why don't I eat something already? I'm still saving money to get my car back, which hopefully is this Friday. I'd almost kill for a pizza. Maybe I'll make a sandwich. I really need a pick-me-up.
I also really need to get cracking on that script. I ordered Our Uncle Sam but I don't think I can wait for it or read all of it in time to finish writing and be ready by the end of the month and most importantly, by the time I meet Uncle Jazzy. I keep repeating myself about this, and I hate doing it so maybe once I get some work on it done, I'd feel better. But now? I need nurishing nutrients.
that's a first
I'm not upset with her... Just scratching my head trying to understand. But hey, it happens, right? I guess. I mean, I have tried spelling my name intentionally using the other keys that aren't letters. +. $+3rl!ng... I've done it before, I just don't have all the characters needed at my disposal right now.
Hey, tomorrow is installation day. Woot! I'm hoping I can stay home all day... but my manager went AWOL and no one is around to advise me. This saddens me because I really don't want to come in. After the install, all I'm waiting for is my router (unless it came in today) and the chairs... which I don't think they'll ban us from going home because we don't have compnay approved chairs. If you've seen the pics, you know what my chair looks like now. I didn't wanna say it out loud, but it looks like something I threw up one day at a fair. Sorry, just being honest. I couldn't tell you what I ate to make it look like that, but that's what those chairs remind me of. Don't tell my mother.
In other news...
I don't really have other news. I kinda just wanna go home now. I'm a little tired and require a nap. SOON I'll be home and nap as long as I want. Soon. soon. zzzzzzzz
too much news
First, I learned yesterday that my church has been confirmed to receive a grant worth $30,000! That's thirty-thousand dollars. It mainly goes to our after-school program that we recently started this past spring and will start again this coming fall.
Secondly, we are awaiting notice of confirmation (which is most likely going to happen within the next week) of a 2nd grant for our church worth $400,000. That's four. Hundred. THOUSAND. Within that hunk of money lies my Mac and whatever else I might need in my studio which is being realize soooo much sooner than I originally planned. What's also in that grant? Paychecks for people who work for the church--which is actually surprising to me--includes me on the payroll. Why? I'm the A/V technician and webmaster. There are other people who do great work for the church too, so they would also be paid by this grant. Most excitingly would be my dad, whom is the pastor, would get paid from this so he would no longer have to suffer driving an hour away everyday at a job that pays him so little for the amount of work he does... PLUS having to leave work and be a pastor which is a much more demanding and important job. Sigh. But alas, this will be so much better for him and I'm so happy about it.
But that's not all. There's one more grant we're waiting for confirmation from. This grant actually sent us two letters so far saying it's on the way. How much is this grant worth? Over Six Million. I was literally in tears yesterday morning after hearing this news. Not only me, but my dad, my mom, my sis, my brother-in-law, and my grandmother. A few other were in tears too... those that know how much we struggle in our personal lives trying to do all we can to make ends meet both at home and the church. There's a reason why it seems like God makes His people suffer. Long story short: It's a test. Moral of that test: Don't lose faith. And rest assured, we won't in the least. Just the opposite. More faith. Woot!
But wait! There's more! Our wonderful grant-writer whom I've known as Rev. Richardson is going to open up her own corporation and is putting in a grant for herself on Wednesday. She included us in on that grant. I don't want to say how much it is just for the pure shock of it. I mean I thought the 6 mil was a head trip, but she's got us practically set for life. Nevertheless, the money will be used for what it's intended for. Overall, enlarging the Kingdom of Heaven. What's that mean? Helping those who need help, like the sick or the lost or what have you... The things churches are supposed to do. That's been my dad's mission since he started this church 3 years ago. And we've never stopped doing what we could since we started. And no, it wasn't easy. In fact, no one said it would be. Even more fact, people doubted we could do it. Sigh... Ye of little faith. That there was something my dad said that really shook me up inside... In the name of God, he's planning on taking over the city of Middletown.
As for other news, I'll be coming home to work very, very soon. Wednesday they will install our cable and phone. thursday we are supposed to get out chairs. Over the past weekend they installed the special program we need on our computers to take them home. All we need is the routers which will be shipped to our house. So my original countdown was off a week, and the new one might've been overshot. We'll see since it all depends on when the router arrives.
All of this news is really exciting, altogether. But I'm taking it in stride, day by day. I can't lose my focus on what I need to do. Even with all the excitement, I still have other projects I need to work on. Sam Cooke for instance. I need to have the screenplay written before the month is over. I was thinknig of holding off until I received Erik Greene's book on his uncle's life. I read an excerpt on Amazon.com, and from that alone I think I know how to start and end it. I'm still going to read the book, but I at least need to start it. Plus it's a screenplay... The majority of it will always be constantly rewritten even while it's being filmmed. In any event, I need to have a complete script by the end of August to meet my challenge deadline as well as have something to show my uncle. Hey, I might as well get ready for the Hollywood world, right? I've always wanted to be the exception to the game, so maybe I will make my own deadlines and play by my own rules and take my Tyler Perry-esque stake in Hollywood.
Did I mention I'm excited? Yes yes yall.
have a seat
Anyway, my chair will be arriving next Thursday. Well, me and my mother's chairs will be arriving. So the dining room can have it pinkish bizzare chair back. It's soooo not my style. Although I hope these chairs are good and comfy. My chair here at work is poop.
How is my countdown looking, you mgiht ask? One week to the day. Does it look like that will be happening? No. So shall we bump it another week? Let's! 8/28/2008.
Speaking of that week... One of the sysetms that's vital to our work ethic with be down from the 22nd to the 2nd of September, which means that's a lot of downtime for us. Our manager has told us we are welcome to use any personal time off we want to escape for the week or so, and she'll waive the policy that says a certain number of people must be here during the work hours. My only issue is, I don't want to use my PTO. I'm stingy. I want to use it on something big! And I want to still have some left over for like, emergencies. I do want a vacation though, but I have no where to go. Plus I can't afford one right now anyway.
Which brings me to my next topic... My next Writer's Wretreat... I hope to also have at the end of August. I haven't chosen a hotel to stay at, but I will stay longer than one night. I was going to pick a hotel close to a Pizza Hut. I don't need a place that has a great view of anything, or is near some attraction. I'm going to be inside at my laptop anyway. Probably watching movies and/or TV shows on DVD back to back for hours on end. More than likely Arrested Development and Psych will be involved. Good times indeed.
Well I need to close out my nubmers for the week. We'll see if we make it.
olympics, protests, thunder and mr. rockefeller
In other news, Tropic Thunder is getting lots of heat. And as the saying goes, and publicity is good publicity. Originally, I thought it was because of Robert Downey, Jr portraying a black man. That maybe some of it, but according to CNN, it's the American Association of People with Disabilities... or the politically incorrect term would be the "handicapped" or even "the r-word" so it seems now. I gotta tell you, some of this stuff is getting ridiculous. I know we have feelings and need to respect each other. Some black people are comfortable with using the N word, some aren't. Some homosexuals don't mind being referred to as a F word, some hate it. And even some women detest being called a B word, others could care less or even refer to themselves as such. One way or another, someone is going to be offended. I got off track. Tropic Thunder is being protested because of it's liberal use of calling people "retard." I'm not going to act holier than thou super innocent, I've used the word. A point was made that at one point, it was actually the correct term for the handicapped... well... not all of them. I can't help it. I see a wheel chair, I think handicapped. I see the handicapped parking space, not a person with disabilities parking spot. Plus it's all just too much to say. We can all scream and rant not to be labeled, but at the end of the day, people will still think of you as being handicapped, people will still think of me as black, and McCain will still be old.
I totally went off on a tangent, partially, as to why I'm having an issue of the protest of the movie. I think I just want it to be known--it's just a movie! It's another form of freedom of speech. If it offends you, don't watch it! And if you don't want others to not watch it, protesting is the wrong way to go about it. Has there ever been a successful protest against a movie that impacted the sales of said movie? I'm honestly asking. I don't know of any. Even when the whole Columbine thing happened a few years ago, the news made connections to The Basketball Diaries and what happened? People went out to rent that movie. How do I know? My friends were talking about it.
Let me move on...
The dude who went by the name Rockefeller. I wasn't really following the story too much, but apparently he's getting some of his memory back about his mysterious past. Have you seen a picture of this guy?

Heh... that's not exactly flattering picture... but doesn't this guy just scream "I've got issues!"? I'm just talking about this picture. Not the guy in general. But on the news... he tends to look like all the time. He also reminds me a bit of Robin Williams. Specifically from one of his dramatic movies like One Hour Photo which I did not like. I have my reasons. I don't really have opinions about this guy other than he may have been faking his amnesia, I just wanted to show his picture. That's not a dude I want to meet.
*Picture provided by CNN.com ...so, yeah. Don't come after me. Please.
treatmenting and desking
In any event, I sat here quietly tapping away the rest of the story that's been plotted in my head for the past few months to a year. I sat here typing as I listened to Sam Cooke singing the scenes I see in my head. Well I actually started out listening to The Rascals "Beautiful Morning" and "Groovin'" because those are the only songs I know from them and like. Plus, have you ever really listened to "Beautiful Morning" on a beautiful morning? It really sets the mood for the day.

I borrowed one from the dining room. I was using this tiny one before that will killing every piece of my butt like you wouldn't believe. I'm mean I'm a thin guy, so I thought I could handle it. I was severely mistaken. Wedgies galore. This chair is better, but it's not my style. No cracks at it's design, my mother will hunt you down.
I neglected to mention my shelf. The reason why? At the time, it wasn't built. I wasn't going to build it until my hand healed after building the desk, but I gave in. It was a bit easier than the desk, since I realized how to screw in the thread cutting screws. It still hurted like you wouldn't believe since my hand was already sore. So I wrapped a sock around the screwdriver that caused me so much trouble. And yes, that is the 2nd season of Psych you see on the shelf next to the jar of salted peanuts. I'm not 100% sure where it's going and 85% sure it'll be used to store empty DVD cases... since the DVDs live in a house all their own.
Hey look! It's my Silver Station, iPizzle, my watch, my Hard Rock cafe arm bracelet thingy, phone charger, chain necklace, a coaster, an empty cup and some instruction manuals for the lamps lighting this image!
building a dream
Since I now have a camera, even though it's not the best, it will get the job done. Sadly I can't connect it to my laptop with what technology I currently have, but it's ok. After I get the Mac, I should be set. Well, for a start. And I'm thinking I'd prefer something like an iMac. I thought about about laptop, but I think I'd rather have it one place, so I can settle down into my studio atmosphere and get to work. No need to tell me all the fun I could have bringing my work with me via laptop, but that's what the Silver Station is for. It's the #1 warrior in my creative hardware arsonal.
Down the road, microphones are on my list. All kinds. Oh, and wires and battries and tapes and DVDs (eventually filters and lens and other little gadgets) and bags to carry all this stuff. Eventually a man-servent will be added to the list. But yeah, microphones would be next. Then lights. Those are expensive. But I'd get a light set, like what photographers use. Technically, I'm taking pictures. And it's only until I can afford better or more lights. And I don't see myself giving or selling too much stuff unless I absolutely don't need it or won't use it and know it can go to a better cause.
Of course at some point I'd hope to be making money so that would help in my funding. I would possibly take on side projects unless the project of my choice is actually paying. But starting small, I don't mind not getting paid for the work, especially if it's work that I love.
Even though I'll be working at home in the next few weeks, it'd be awesome to work at home and be my own boss, then eventually have my own studio/office. That'd be cool.
I keep typing to give my phone time to send the pictures I took of my desk and it's taking f o r e v e r. I do not like it.

you're making too much noise
Once again, this is another plus to working at home in the privacy of my own quarters. Heh... My soon-to-be-new office isn't even a quarter of anything. Well, maybe a quarter of a room. I forgot to post the pictures yesterday. Today is my Friday, so maybe I'll have time tonight. I should set up my laptop and all down there, even though I don't have a chair yet.
Speaking of laptops, I re-began my mission of finding a good Mac for myself. I went to Best Buys whom pride themselves at carrying the Apply line. What did I find? ONE, only ONE Mac laptop... And it was the display model. It was also over $2000 which I know I don't have and can't put on my new Best Buys card since my limit is $500. My credit sucks. Anyway, I was disappointed and decided to roam the rest of the mall before going home. I need to find where the nearest Apple store is and see if I can get a credit card or something in person. My instincts are telling me to wait until after I meet with my uncle, so I'll hold off the search and try to get myself back in the mind frame to finish the treatment, possibly script.
Needless to say, I don't have much time during my work week. Instead, I've been kicking around other ideas like this kid/guy who invents special trciked out tech goggles for the near-blind. That's all I'm going to say. I don't want anyone stealing my ideas. I felt I was robbed already with a superhero idea I had... which actually already existed. Another idea I had involved the crystal skulls... But we know why those are popular now. Sigh.
I need to go get a drink... maybe that might quiet my stomach down a bit. About 3 hours til go-home time. WAH time: about 2 weeks. Yes yes yall.
the hoax slayer! (and google hq)
Quite stunning emails that I have and haven't recieved that are in fact, real... Well, mostly. Furthermore, the website itself is a debunking website devoted to protecting the innocent against hoaxes and such from email we like to call "spam" and other junk mails. 9 times out of 10, I can recognize junk when I see it, but I will admit that over the years, they've bet getting better at disguising that. Especially if they claim to be from a service you actually subscribe to.
For your own good and reference, check out that site and educate yourself. And with most cases, when in doubt, it's probably not real, so hit delete.
Read http://www.hoax-slayer.com/google-office-photographs.shtml

Moving around: A slide allows quick access from different floors ... There are also poles available ... they are similar to the ones used in fire stations.

Food.Employees can eat all they want from a vast choice of food and drink.

Work Station: Each employee has at least two large screens. There are 4-6 'Zooglers' per office.

INOVATION:: Large boards are available just about everywhere because 'ideas don't always come when seated in the office' says one of Googles managers.

LEISURE.Pool tables, video games etc. are available in many areas.

Communication... On each floor, there are private cabin areas where employees can attend to personal affairs.

Health: Professional masseurs (euses) available.

REST ...This room provides massage chairs that you control ... while you view relaxing aquariums ...

Ambiance ... There are many books in this library ... even some about programming !!
And yes, I do want to work there... Or at least I'll build 3S:FX to be that way. ;oD
sweet Lord in heaven!
Figures, today I need to bind more papers than ever.
I hate you, stupid screwdriver.
i did it again...
So what happened this time was purely accidental... as it usually is. Monday I put in one of those little packets to make regular water into a fruity delicious drink, and sugar free. I added my own sugar because I hate that sugar free aftertaste. Gross. What tends to happen if you let it sit, you get a white poweryish looking residue on the bottom of your bottle, or cup or whatever you are housing this drink in. And this is sugar, or so I hope. I find it more with the sugar-free drinks, but I've seen it with real sugar too. Today I come into work and processed to get this residue back into the beverage before I take my sips and stain my tongue. As I shake, unbeknownst to me, I'm marking my territory with an all out assault on my desk, some papers, my keys and my watch (which I still haven't put on, but stuffed in my pocket on my way out of the house).
By the way, this is how to make a short story long.
Once I realize my mess, I have a quick look around to make sure no one has seen this, as I've done before when I unintentionally make beverage message. I think my best is when I decided to shake up a drink in a SoBe bottle WITHOUT putting the top on. Fortunately that day, I had another shirt under the one I was wearing so the completely wet shirt could dry out. Ah... good times.
new countdown
Alrighty then... I have decided to restart the countdown with today being day #17, and my last say being the 21st. Of course this is still just a guess, I don't have a definite date as to when I'm going home, but I need something to look forward to until that time. So idealistically, this means 3 weeks. Woot! I seriously can't wait. I think I may take some PTO tomorrow to rest and relax due to my not sleeping most of last night. Why? Laundry. The same laundry I was supposed to do Thursday night, or Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday... which actually I couldn't due on Saturday since my mom was doing laundry that day. Every hour-2 hours, I'd wander down the many steps to the basement to find that the dryer didn't do the one job it's supposed to do.
I had to wear the tight jeans today. Okay, okay... they don't look that tight... but you aren't wearing them, are you? No. You can't feel my restriction. Yes I'm a skinny thin dude. But these jeans were built for people with waists/hips thinner than mine. Probably by like 2 inches or something. I don't know. But when I'm sitting, these jeans give me the muffin top look. Not cute. Not cool.
And I'm on a no-spend restriction until Sam is back in my driveway... or back on the road rather. Hopefully this is the week. I miss my car dearly. The alst few times I've been it, it smelled a little funny. I have a couple reasons why that mgiht be. At least it's not the angry pizza boxes I left in there. I took those out before I dropped the car off. Why would they be angry? Because I left angry uneaten pizza in there. For a little over a week or so. Maybe longer. I can't remember. Not important since they are gone now. Sam also needs a bath too when I get it back. We'll have a night on the town afterwards. Maybe a trip to Springfield to find that cheaper gas. Maybe.
Wow I wanna go home so bad. I need to sleep for a good 10 hours. Mmmmm... Pillows... I know the sleep was getting good because I felt certain muscles in my body getting angry because they just started relaxing and restoring themselves. Sort've like after working out, going to bed, and that feeling you get the morning after a tough workout. It's hard to get out of bed.
I also need to get out of these pants! 6 hours?! Dear GOD!
"one night stand" (in development)

Originally, I was just going to do the concert iteslf, but I had other ideas circulating about other people that might've been there, and how this show may have affected their lives. But I planned for this to be a separate feature. So then I thought about it, and I said to myself, "Self, why not just combine the two? Surely I can make it work and it'll make the movie itself more interesting and entertaining."
I didn't want to interrupt the actual performance, and I may not have to. In fact, I could shoot them separately and say on DVD that you can watch it altogether, like I'm about to write it OR watch just the concert on it's own. Now when I say "retro-concert fim," I mean having actors portray what's on the album, since as far as I'm aware of, no one recorded the show on film. Too bad. I hope this idea catches on and other people recreate live albums for viewing pleasure. It's the best way to make people feel like they were there, since everytime I hear the album I say "I wish I was there."
Those are two things I want people to walk away with after seeing this: I wish I was there, and he was a great singer/performer/entertainer. I think there are other things I want to come of this too... Like more people being aware of his existence, legacy and impact on music today. Credit is given where credit is due, and I personally feel that Sam doesn't get enough of it. So I want to change that, and make people more aware. In due time... a change is gonna come.
the magic hour
I've come to the realization, that I want to become friends with magicians. The real ones like Penn & Teller, Criss Angel, and even David Blaine. Why? They just seem like cool people and they are like a circle of elite class friends, well, sorta in their own category of cliques like those I'm familiar with in high school. But in the entertainment world you have your actors, directors, singers, and I guess the magicians are somewhere lower on the scale. But I'd still want to hang out with some and I have my reasons.
With that note, I will close with a quote from Criss Angel that I really like, explaining how he does believe in a higher power, despite many others in his profession:
"I believe that this universe is a beautiful work of art. Like all works of art, it must have an artist."