So I feel good that I am regaining my numbers once again this week. Successfully reaching my required quota of 40 files. However, 'tis not my personal goal of over 50, but the day is still young and I have about 10 new files left to work on, and 20 some odd number of older files to follow up on. So it's possible. PLUS its that time again to pull some brand new files so I can have work to do next week.
Then after I leave here for the day, I'm going straight to the church to help set up for the revival we are having in our parking lot. Mainly I'm there to make sure the sound system is in working order. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do yet, but we'll soon find out. Besides that, we should have a good time. I sort've wish I brought either my video camera, or digital camera, to rememberate this event. That's a new word for you this month. REMEMBERATE. Definiton? To make a memory or make memories of, usually with the help of recording equipment of some kind.
I'll remember to bring something tomorrow on our second night. But tonight... The Dark Knight. It looks as though this is going to be another solo movie experience. No big deal, it's what I do. It sort've makes it slightly easier on me not having to worry about people showing up late or having enough seats. Don't get me wrong, I love having company, and I have a list of people I love to bring... But midnight showings are difficult to band together because unlike me, some people have to get up early in the morning, or fall asleep in the theater, or hate having to deal with obnoxious idiots who are immature and/or drunk. Why anyone would goto a packed midnight showing drunk is beyond me, but it tends to happen more times than I can fathom.
However, it's not all the time the rowdies are there. Spider-Man 3 seemed tame. Didn't think the movie was as great... but eh, can't win them all, can you? I want to. I know I won't but I can dream. And when I dream... WATCH OUT! For some reason I dream about food I crave and don't have in my house, but still... watch out! Actually, that's not entirely true... Remember that time with the bacon? That was like a couple weeks ago! And there was bacon in the house. Mmmmm.... That's what happiness tasted like. And the eggs too.
Okay, time to get back to work. Today I'm rockin' out to my soulful oldies. Technically this is my "On the Road Again" playlist, which starts off with famous road trip songs you here in movies that for some reason feature desert scenes and long straight roads. But my playlsit then takes a turn to Motown and Stax Records and works it's way to the 90's. Hey, a playlist has to last an entire trip! Granted, my longest trip isn't more than an hour one way, but I need to be ready. I think I'm set. I have more than a week's worth of music on my iPod... not that I want to here everything all at once, nor can I stay awake for an entire week to hear it. i'm babbling... need to get back to work. I'm just in a good mood. And a little sleepy. Maybe it was the caffine pill? I dunno... Could be why I'm feeling slightly hyper. YES YES YALL!
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
5 days ago
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