What a weekend it has been so far!
To make a long story short (something that's hard for me to do as well making long stories one of the qualities people like about my stories), I made my first real 9-1-1 call Thursday night. Why did I add the "real" part? A few years ago with one of my older cell phones, I accidentally locked myself out of my phone and couldn't remember the password to unlock it or reset it. But it had some kind of emergency number thingy, and without really thinking about it I called that and annoyed a dispatched or clearly stated that this was a number for emergencies and hung up. I would be upset too if someone called me to complain they locked themselves out of their cell phone.
Anyway some guy was screeching his SUV through my yard Thursday night around 10-10:30 trying to run over some dude. It was amazing they didn't hit anything in the yard since my grandmother has been cutting down our little trees. Anyway the man was doing the best he could to avoid this guy and as my mother, grandmother and I stepped out of the house he pleaded for us to call the cops. Meanwhile the SUV is now trying to back up after going into someone elses yard alarming more neighbors who are also calling the cops. I was already dialing as my mother was telling me to do so and giving out my info, feeling like a active citizen and watching my tax dollars goto work.
With the quickness, I heard sirens and saw flashing lights zooming down the street before I even got off the phone. My guess is they were on pursuit of the SUV whom had since fled the scene. A few minutes later a cop came to our area and talked with the victim who told the cop the guy trying to hit him is drunk, driving an uninsured car, and where the guy lived. Meanwhile, a vehicle approaches from a side street, sort've slowly, then brakes suddenly. Naturally it catches everyone's attention, and once the SUV realizes we're all stand by a police car, it does the best it can to make a U-turn in the tiny street hitting what sounding like a mailbox. The cop makes a K-turn and goes after the SUV.
My mother runs back in the house, I chat briefly with a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in YEARS! We discuss how it's a shame we have to meet under the circumstances, but we're glad to see each other once again.
I run back in the house because it's almost time to get ready to see The Dark Knight which I bought midnight tickets for earlier that day. When I go back out to leave, I see cops posted on the street with lights on and flashing. I don't know if they caught the guy but I'd like to think and hope that they did.
Meanwhile, I saw a real villian on screen that absolutely frightened me as well as cracked me up. I told so many people how awesome this movie is, and for once, this is a movie that lives up to it's hype.
It was a disgustingly long day and night, but I good 24 hours nonetheless. I made my quota by 11 files, and made my own by 1. Technically 56 files altogether. But whatever, it's good to be safe again. Batman had nothing to do with that though. Actually he distracted me. Stupid Batman....
Keeping a Journal Makes You a Better Writer
[image: keeping a journal better writer]
The more you write, the better your writing becomes. That’s not an opinion;
it’s a fact. Experience breeds experti...
5 days ago
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