
microsoft updates

So the good news is I got my internet working again. Turns out Microsoft's security updates does something horrible to anyone who has ZoneAlarm anti-virus program. Long story short, some kind of coding prevents you from accessing the internet. I was confused by this because I stopped the program from running HOWEVER there is a piece of program, vsmon.exe, that is also connected to the ZoneAlarm system and if that is still active, you can't get online.

I thought by just going into the task manager I could shut it off. Nope. I couldn't even get it to go away in msconfig until I went through the safe mode. Nope. I had to unistall it, which wasn't a big deal because I rarely use it. I have other methods to keep my computer and internet safe.

I do want to thank Cathy from Cox telling me this information. I thought for sure it was a bill problem.

As for the bad news, my car is broken and not for for driving. :o(

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