July 8,
2008Posted: 11:25 AM
The Obama family spent
The Fourth of July in Montana.(CNN) — Whether or not their dad
becomes the next president of the United States, the Obama kids are already
winners — of a dog, that is.In an interview with the entire Obama family to
air later Tuesday, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, told Access Hollywood their famous
mom and dad promised to buy a dog after the rigorous campaign season comes to an
end.Watch: Obama family celebrates The
Fourth"Win or lose, win or lose," the presumptive
Democratic presidential nominee said.In the interview, Malia also said she often gives
her dad campaign tips on how to reach out to young people her age."You really don't shake kids’ hands that much,
you shake adult hands," she said. “And I say you just wave and say hi, so I do
that kind of stuff."What's it like to have parents in the spotlight?
Malia said now she reads about her mom in People Magazine."They always have those sections with you know,
how much people's dresses cost, and so I saw that magazine, and I said, 'Oh
mommy you're in this!' I've never seen mommy in that. Because I usually see
people like Angelina Jolie –”"You know, important people," mom Michelle
quipped."Yes, real important people, no offense," Malia
Several comments left under this blog stated protest for this not being news. Is that a problem? Can we not have non-important news once in a while. Granted its hard to call this news, but still... Something we can smile at. The title even says "campaign life" and some people have pets in their lives. Every so often there is a mention about the presidential dog or something. Most of the commenters understood it though. Plus... this is a blog! It's not like an actual news article. People are silly. But this story did put a smile on my face. Perhaps this is one of those smelling the roses moments. Besides, would people complain if some pop artist was getting a divorce calling that non-news? I wouldn't smile at that unless I felt I had a shot to be the rebound.
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