go-home time
Time for me to go home now. Sadly I always wait til the last minute to fill out my off-production sheet. i doubt it will make enough impact to keep me at production level... which is 40. I only made it to 30 without it. Sigh.
Here's to next week!
who needs food?
I've avoiding eating for a couple reasons. Part of it is religious reasons. Part of it is to save money to get Sam out of car-hospital. And it's also a way for me to lose the chubby belly forming under my loose fitting clothing. I'm not that self conscious about my weight. I think that shows since I don't even know how much I weigh right now. But physical appearance, yeah, I don't approve. And I'm also not saying I'm fat... I know I'm not. I'm just out of shape. And I want to be in a better shape than... hmmm... pugde.
We had Taco Day yesterday here in the office to call along with our quarterly Reward & Recognition event. Wasn't too bad. The hard taco broke before I could finish it, and the soft taco either spilled the goods or ripped on the way. I don't remember. It almost makes me wanna go back to Taco Bell just one more time. The list of fast food chains I frequent gets smaller and smaller. Who is completely off the list? McDonald's for starters. Who is on the way off completely? KFC and Taco Bell. Why? The Original Recipe has changed. I don't care what anyone says. I don't think the Coronel had that much grease when he first fried his chickens. And Taco Bell? Not real Mexican food. But really it's because it isn't very filling and just makes me feel weird, depressed and gassy later. Regular Mexican food just leaves me gassy. I can handle gassy.
So this is yet another dry Thursday at the office. And one by one people are packing up their desks, PC and the like and going on home to work in their PJs. I think we're on Guestimation Day 23. This is until I actually have a designated assigned day to work at home. And it won't be until the later half of August. Hopefully. Hopefully not later. I wanna not be rushed to get out of bed. I wanna be stress free. I wanna be a contender. I wanna be a somebody!
Choir rehersal, then home to eat and sleep. Tomorrow there's a possibility I may see Earth Wind & Fire but I'm having trouble finding someone to go with. I may turn down my ticket since I completely forgot I was going. Plus I really wanna take my hair out. That's another plus to WAH... Leaving my hair out for a few days. WOOT! Those will be good times indeed. And pizza almost whenever I want. Good pizza too. And Taco Bell! Haha... just kidding. Silly Chihuahua, Taco Bell is for stoners.
blueberry coffee
Blueberry coffee is really messing with me today.
I just need the sugar and caffine for the WAH training I have in an hour. I think I have chosen the desk I want. $60. Rollback. And shipped to the store for $free.99. Woot.

i googled myself
But yes, I have looked for myself on Google and was pleased to find a few entries. First up was my Behance profile, then my MySpace. Putting in my full name brought up my Facebook and eventually this blog and the Grace & Mercy's website.
What I need to change is my account on GigSalad which I haven't used in years and just need to delete before I start getting calls or emails for something I can't meet. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can do it... But if they want me to like, DJ, I can't do that because I don't have any equipment. It's too bad really.
I'm procrastinating right now. I have some files I can do... but I'm sleepy and I want to go to sleep like right now. I actually really wanna watch some Arrested Development since I (for some insane reason) have access to IMDb.com here at work. So I went to message boards like I usually do on AD's page and read random comments about random things. There's nothing like reading hilarious quotes out of the blue and trying to keep from causing attention to myself with loud bouts of laughter. Oh! The good times. I think once I begin working at home, I can have AD marathons all day everyday. It'll give the feel of background "chatter" that I'm used to at the office. Better yet, I should play The Office and I'd be good to go. Maybe.
I'm stuck on Psych. I have season 2 and I'm trying not to watch it all until I finish SNL. I made a deal with myself to finish one series before I move on to the next. So if for some reason I should happen to aquire Seinfeld season 5, I can't watch it until I'm done with Psych. Sound like a good plan? Perhaps.
Speaking of WAH, today makes day 25. I think every 5 days I'll give away the candy that's in my desk so I have less to take home. I really don't have much left... A bag of Twix, Snickers, and 3 Musketeers. Some of these I'll probably just take home. Maybe the Snickers. The Twix I will leave for someone here. And the last day I will probably take all the wall stuff down because I hate how empty and vacant cubicle walls look when its... um... empty and vacant.
Well, I'm gonna work on these few files and kill about 2 hours. I want to take some sleep. that's right, "take some sleep." Remember that, folks.
when do i go home again?
I'm only thinking of this as I experience the things I experience here at work... Not necessarily the pleasurable things... But things nonetheless. I sometimes wonder if I miss them...
Nope, don't think I will.
I need to order my desk. I see a nice one on Walmart.com

Yes? Yes?? Methinks yes.
Oh and the other joy is not necessarily waking up extra early at the pre-crack of dawn to prepare for work. I still could, but the point is NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE.... or just continue sleeping for another hour or two. Woot! I can't wait.
I really. Really. Can't. Wait.
(Oh yeah... 26 days...)
i just can't win
The evil powers that be see this joy and decide they want to steal that joy and break you down. So perhaps they'll throw crazy expensive bills or car troubles or even sickness to you or a loved one to throw you off.
Besides what evil may throw at you, I've learned that God won't put more on you that you can bare. It's yet another test to see how grounded in my faith I am. So I must remain steadfast and keep my faith that everything will work out somehow, someway.
Meanwhile, in more happy times, yesterday was a great day. There are pictures on the church website that I maintain. http://gracemercyministries.com Check out the photo section and look at the Friends and Family Day part... Perhaps I'll see if I can copy/paste the thumbnails on here later. We'll see.
Psych is making me happy right now. :o)
booty in a bag
Heh... Look what I found in our vending machine. If you've never had this treat, it tastes a lot like Pops... the cereal. It also hints to caramel popcorn, which I eat once in a while. But more so of the Pops cereal.
The name is more fun than the snack itself. I think if I eat too many, I could feel sick because of it's sweetness. It definitely is a fun treat though, don't get me wrong. I'd suggest getting a small bag to test it out for yourself. Pirate's Booty comes in other flavors too, like White Cheddar which I'm interested in trying. I'm hoping the only way to get a back is not via their website... Because I don't want to have to pay $30 for a case I might not like. But if the box say "Pirate's Booty" on it, it just might be worth the $30 alone.
being black on CNN
From the beginning, I didn't plan much to "attend" the event in front of my TV. It's not that I don't appreciate my heritage or care about my people, it's just that sometimes I feel over-saturated with pro-blackness and hearing stories of overcoming struggles and beating the odds as a person of color. Again, I support them and I'm glad and proud of my race. i jsut feel there are mroe important issues at hand. Maybe a special on those struggling with the economy, the poor folk, or the homeless. And not the recent poor folk and homeless either.
I know there are some documentaries out there that discuss those other issues, but they don't get much advertisement much less airplay, so no one really knows. And it's too bad.
I think I might enjoy a series of these specials, like being Asian in America, or Hispanic in America... and of course, being of Middle Eastern decent in America. It would paint more colors on the canvas that is America. Will it happen? Who knows? In the meantime, I like to strive more on the diverse culture and if I can help it, mix as much cultures as I can in any productions I have control over to do that. It's like that in real life, at least mine. So why not in the media?
I will watch the black special eventually. They do like to show them repeatedly like MTV does their award shows and VH1 does the I Love... shows which I'm still upset with until they let me on one of them. I'm still mad they did a millennium addition when there is 2 years left. C'mon now. I hope something huge happens that will make the producers be like "Wow, we should've waited." But we all know what's going to happen. 2010 or 2011 they will make I Love the Millennium 2.0. You heard/read it here first, folks! I called it! That also means I have 2-3 years to at least get on the E or D-list so I can be considered to be on the show. No offense to the contributors on the show now. At least they are on it.
heavy rain = sleep weather
Nevertheless, when I know it's raining, or I see it raining, it makes me happy. http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Its-Raining-Again___/110371 "It's Raining Again..." is my feelings and thoughts about rain. Well, one of them anyway. For the record, this event never happened. But I strongly believe in what one of my first poetry teachers told me: sometime you have to lie to tell the truth.
I had a hard time waking up this morning... my alarm on my phone goes off 6 times.... Never heard them. My friend sent me a text. Didn't hear that. My mom called me, waiting for me to come downstairs so we could goto work. No answer. She finally came up to my room to check on me... and it was like I was coming out of a trans since I was in such a deep sleep. And oh did it feel good.
I don't care, I'm going to start it now, just for kick in giggles. THE WAH COUNTDOWN!!! MUAHAHAHA!!! [echoes]
Let's start at 30 days. So by August 23rd, I could be at home. No doubt I'll have a more realistic date as the time gets closer. I have no problem adjusting that, but for now, let's give it a month from today.
In the meantime, I need to get to my magic number for the day. I had since requested the oldtime files I used to work on since there wasn't any files to I'm supposed to work on. I have enough to finish the day with, so I'm good to go. And I will do just that!
more cops and cars
Not only that, but my friend was in a car accident yesterday that she felt should've killed her. Since we are all Christians, we felt it was a sign that she needs to get her life in order, like, immediately.
Friday, I found out that there was a buralry down the street from my house. And in broad daylight! Between the hours of 9-11am. Terrible. I thought this was a decent neighborhood!
Batman is doing well though... I heard so far they are breaking records or they're about to break more. I may actually see it a second time it was so good. Maybe I shouldn't... I got that speeding ticket. Eh... we'll see.
I need to pick out what I'm going to wear tomorrow. I need to start a work-at-home (WAH) countdown...
me and the cops
someone call batman
To make a long story short (something that's hard for me to do as well making long stories one of the qualities people like about my stories), I made my first real 9-1-1 call Thursday night. Why did I add the "real" part? A few years ago with one of my older cell phones, I accidentally locked myself out of my phone and couldn't remember the password to unlock it or reset it. But it had some kind of emergency number thingy, and without really thinking about it I called that and annoyed a dispatched or clearly stated that this was a number for emergencies and hung up. I would be upset too if someone called me to complain they locked themselves out of their cell phone.
Anyway some guy was screeching his SUV through my yard Thursday night around 10-10:30 trying to run over some dude. It was amazing they didn't hit anything in the yard since my grandmother has been cutting down our little trees. Anyway the man was doing the best he could to avoid this guy and as my mother, grandmother and I stepped out of the house he pleaded for us to call the cops. Meanwhile the SUV is now trying to back up after going into someone elses yard alarming more neighbors who are also calling the cops. I was already dialing as my mother was telling me to do so and giving out my info, feeling like a active citizen and watching my tax dollars goto work.
With the quickness, I heard sirens and saw flashing lights zooming down the street before I even got off the phone. My guess is they were on pursuit of the SUV whom had since fled the scene. A few minutes later a cop came to our area and talked with the victim who told the cop the guy trying to hit him is drunk, driving an uninsured car, and where the guy lived. Meanwhile, a vehicle approaches from a side street, sort've slowly, then brakes suddenly. Naturally it catches everyone's attention, and once the SUV realizes we're all stand by a police car, it does the best it can to make a U-turn in the tiny street hitting what sounding like a mailbox. The cop makes a K-turn and goes after the SUV.
My mother runs back in the house, I chat briefly with a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in YEARS! We discuss how it's a shame we have to meet under the circumstances, but we're glad to see each other once again.
I run back in the house because it's almost time to get ready to see The Dark Knight which I bought midnight tickets for earlier that day. When I go back out to leave, I see cops posted on the street with lights on and flashing. I don't know if they caught the guy but I'd like to think and hope that they did.
Meanwhile, I saw a real villian on screen that absolutely frightened me as well as cracked me up. I told so many people how awesome this movie is, and for once, this is a movie that lives up to it's hype.
It was a disgustingly long day and night, but I good 24 hours nonetheless. I made my quota by 11 files, and made my own by 1. Technically 56 files altogether. But whatever, it's good to be safe again. Batman had nothing to do with that though. Actually he distracted me. Stupid Batman....
back on top once again
Then after I leave here for the day, I'm going straight to the church to help set up for the revival we are having in our parking lot. Mainly I'm there to make sure the sound system is in working order. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do yet, but we'll soon find out. Besides that, we should have a good time. I sort've wish I brought either my video camera, or digital camera, to rememberate this event. That's a new word for you this month. REMEMBERATE. Definiton? To make a memory or make memories of, usually with the help of recording equipment of some kind.
I'll remember to bring something tomorrow on our second night. But tonight... The Dark Knight. It looks as though this is going to be another solo movie experience. No big deal, it's what I do. It sort've makes it slightly easier on me not having to worry about people showing up late or having enough seats. Don't get me wrong, I love having company, and I have a list of people I love to bring... But midnight showings are difficult to band together because unlike me, some people have to get up early in the morning, or fall asleep in the theater, or hate having to deal with obnoxious idiots who are immature and/or drunk. Why anyone would goto a packed midnight showing drunk is beyond me, but it tends to happen more times than I can fathom.
However, it's not all the time the rowdies are there. Spider-Man 3 seemed tame. Didn't think the movie was as great... but eh, can't win them all, can you? I want to. I know I won't but I can dream. And when I dream... WATCH OUT! For some reason I dream about food I crave and don't have in my house, but still... watch out! Actually, that's not entirely true... Remember that time with the bacon? That was like a couple weeks ago! And there was bacon in the house. Mmmmm.... That's what happiness tasted like. And the eggs too.
Okay, time to get back to work. Today I'm rockin' out to my soulful oldies. Technically this is my "On the Road Again" playlist, which starts off with famous road trip songs you here in movies that for some reason feature desert scenes and long straight roads. But my playlsit then takes a turn to Motown and Stax Records and works it's way to the 90's. Hey, a playlist has to last an entire trip! Granted, my longest trip isn't more than an hour one way, but I need to be ready. I think I'm set. I have more than a week's worth of music on my iPod... not that I want to here everything all at once, nor can I stay awake for an entire week to hear it. i'm babbling... need to get back to work. I'm just in a good mood. And a little sleepy. Maybe it was the caffine pill? I dunno... Could be why I'm feeling slightly hyper. YES YES YALL!
wise guy
I will say this... I don't care much for Monday mornings. I feel as though I must've been partying way too hard last night. In actuality, I was watching a The Jeffersons marathon on TV Land. 'Twasn't intentional, I merely left it ont hat station eariler that day watch a Sanford & Son marathon while I took a brief 2 hour nap. Oh well. I went back to my usual Psych DVD, laughing at the funny words said by Shawn Spencer. What an awesome show. Sigh.
Well, 'tis a new week, a new day. I have mycitrus flavored SoBe Energy beverage and I'm ready to start my disgustingly long day. After I complete the day, I must get back to the gym. If at all possible, I'd like to get a nice workout going as often as I can. Thursday I just may opt out due to the revival service at my church. However, Thursday night I plan to see The Dark Knight. I wonder how early I can buy tickets. I need to look into that. ALSO, I need to see who's going. It might just be me... Midnight showing can be dreadful sometimes. Why? The crowd that comes out aren't the most mature people on the planet. In fact, I think I've only really noticed that with PG-13 movies. Makes sense. When you are a teenager, and with other teenagers, you tend to act... um... stupid? Then you go into a 24 hour Wal-Mart and act... uh... stupider? I rather not look back on those days right now.
I actually wish I had some metal spoons to crush up my caffine pill and hide it in some applesauce... or something. I so hate the taste of this stuff. And it's too bad I have issues swallowing pills.
Okay, let's get some work done. I got files I can pull, so I need to get my top producer crown back!
good food, good people, good times
Besides being a wonderful cook making delicious foods, especially the scrumptious fried catfish she made tonight, she says the most wonderful things. Sometimes wuite hilarious things. And of course with her southern flair on her speech. (People meeting her for the first time think she's Jamacian because she talks so fast.)
I came in tonight, knowing I was out with a friend and she asked a very simple question: Did you have a good time?
She asked me that before and it just seemed so... abnormal. Why? I'm not used to anyone asking me anything when I get home. Maybe I'm asked if I picked up the mail... but not really much about wherever I've been. This may not seem like a big deal to anyone, but its the little things in life I've been learning to appreciate.
Back to my original story... My grandmother asks if I have a good time... This would make a great cinematic moment for me to reminise on the past couple hours I spent with my great "instant friend" Kathy, as we talk about life past, present, future and obscure over mini burgers, huge salads and quesadillas. Turns out I wasn't fully clear on what I ordered and it got back to the manager, so he came by and told me my meal was free as they gave me fresh new steak quesadillas. What I didn't know was they had onions in them. I can't complain. They were free! I wanted to make sure out waitress was tipped well, so it ended up equalling the original total's 20%, instead of the 15% of the discounted price. Did I lose anyone? It's not that important anyway.
We also had these delicious desserts in shot glasses. I had a delightful cinnamon treat, Kathy had a brownie one. A picture will soon follow.
Anyway, after a very quick flashback, I told my grandmother that I did indoob have a great night tonight. She said "That's good" and went back to watching TV. And my mother was eating one of my steak quesadillas.
microsoft updates
I thought by just going into the task manager I could shut it off. Nope. I couldn't even get it to go away in msconfig until I went through the safe mode. Nope. I had to unistall it, which wasn't a big deal because I rarely use it. I have other methods to keep my computer and internet safe.
I do want to thank Cathy from Cox telling me this information. I thought for sure it was a bill problem.
As for the bad news, my car is broken and not for for driving. :o(
we got work to do
My internet at home isn't working and this angers me. I must have to call Cox and tell them about themselves... as well as Progressive and tell them I don't want to do business anymore AND maybe for them not to bill me tomorrow so I can have enough for Sam in case I need it.
Anyway, I gots works to do, so let me get to it.
i vote for a chihuahua
July 8,
2008Posted: 11:25 AM
The Obama family spent
The Fourth of July in Montana.(CNN) — Whether or not their dad
becomes the next president of the United States, the Obama kids are already
winners — of a dog, that is.In an interview with the entire Obama family to
air later Tuesday, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, told Access Hollywood their famous
mom and dad promised to buy a dog after the rigorous campaign season comes to an
end.Watch: Obama family celebrates The
Fourth"Win or lose, win or lose," the presumptive
Democratic presidential nominee said.In the interview, Malia also said she often gives
her dad campaign tips on how to reach out to young people her age."You really don't shake kids’ hands that much,
you shake adult hands," she said. “And I say you just wave and say hi, so I do
that kind of stuff."What's it like to have parents in the spotlight?
Malia said now she reads about her mom in People Magazine."They always have those sections with you know,
how much people's dresses cost, and so I saw that magazine, and I said, 'Oh
mommy you're in this!' I've never seen mommy in that. Because I usually see
people like Angelina Jolie –”"You know, important people," mom Michelle
quipped."Yes, real important people, no offense," Malia
Several comments left under this blog stated protest for this not being news. Is that a problem? Can we not have non-important news once in a while. Granted its hard to call this news, but still... Something we can smile at. The title even says "campaign life" and some people have pets in their lives. Every so often there is a mention about the presidential dog or something. Most of the commenters understood it though. Plus... this is a blog! It's not like an actual news article. People are silly. But this story did put a smile on my face. Perhaps this is one of those smelling the roses moments. Besides, would people complain if some pop artist was getting a divorce calling that non-news? I wouldn't smile at that unless I felt I had a shot to be the rebound.
drive again, home again, sleep again
As I calm down and approach the next light, I see a car coming up behind me that I check out in my rear view mirror. In their passenger seat, I see what looks like a topless woman. I am first in shock because of the exposed nudity. I'm still a little timid from the cop scare. Then I'm slightly horrified because the woman doesn't seem all that attractive and should be ashamed to be flashing about even in the passenger seat. A second (or third) glance confirms that is actually a very large chubby man.
I didn't take a nap all day, I deserve to goto bed now. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some work to do. Hopefully.
must there be pain to gain?
And if you didn't feel it then, you'll feel it later. Either the next time you stand up or reach acorss the table, or when you get up in the morning... if you get up. Yeah, that's when you'll feel it. That's when I decided to make a pathway with my body as I dragged myself around my room until I really needed to get something that required height, meaning the use of my legs. Those stationary bikes are no joke. Espeically if you do 5 miles just for the fun of it. I felt like I wasn't working at all. But then it hurt when I walked down some stairs. For a few days.
Before I wrap it up... The Abdominal is what I'm suffering from now. I only did about 10 crunches. I think I had 30 lbs. But I feel it. Ever time I sit up I have the look of being chomped on by a big dog. It doesn't really matter where it's chomping on me, I'd have the same expression. A mix of pain and fear, but mostly pain. Fortunately, it's just the pain I have and feel, and once I'm upright, I'm okay.
But this is what I want! This makes me feel like I've accomplsihed an effective workout! No pain, no gain, right? A month or so of this, and my big flab ab will slowly morph into a washboard, right? This is what it takes? July will be the month of soreness. I can't wait...
here we go, week #4
In the meantime, I can help a friend look for a job. I can write some brand new poetry/monologues based on events I learned over the weekend. I finally brought my camera out and about, maybe I'll go outside and take pictures of random things, but all up close and artistic-like. I kind've doubt I'll do all that, so I'll probably find things to take pictures of on my desk.
Today i got in at 6:30am. There are certain vibes that sort've happens at certain times. When I'm here at 6, it's super quiet. 6:30, there's a bit of bustle going on. 7-8 is a growing stream. And by 8-9:30 is the main flow of people coming into work, dying out by 9:30 which is the cut-off time as to when you're allowed to be late. There is also some kind of ratio to how the parking lots fill up. By 7am, a good majority of the main lot that I park in is full. 6:30, like when I arrived today, it's usually half full. Not bad, you still get a good spot to choose from. By that I mean you don't have to walk far. But the parking resembled how the lot looks at 6am. If you worked here, you would understand how that 30 minutes makes a difference. For good measure, I should go out and check at 7.
I think it's the holiday weekend. For example, my mother isn't coming in today. I'm already wishing I decided to do the same. My body feels like I was at the gym yesterday. This isn't the case as all, unless I'm feeling the workout I did Saturday, which doesn't tend to happen. But what can you do? Ride it out of course. I'm still debating if I'll workout afterwork today, now that I found my favorite machines to use.
I'm just about done with my coffee, so I'm going to go off and find some work or trouble to get into for the next 10ish hours. If I get too bored... I'll be back.
6 July 2008 3:59 PM, PDT From wenn.com See recent WENN news
Hollywood star George
Clooney has confessed he has no idea what his forthcoming film Burn After Reading is about.
The actor, 47, admits he is baffled by the plot of the "dark spy comedy" and
when he tries to get an explanation from directors Joel and Ethan Coen, they just laugh at
He says, "I tell the Coens that I don't understand it and they go,
'Yeah... heh, heh, heh'. I seem to play another idiot, who is having an affair
with Tilda Swinton."
Clooney is keen to get to the bottom of the plot - the movie is due to open the
Venice Film Festival in Italy next month.
another perk to work at home
Let me not get too excited just yet. 'Tis only a quote and I know they will bump up my price a bit more. Oh yeah, my monthly payment would be about $160. The premium itself just under $900 which is sooooo much better than $1900. Can I get an amen? NOW, I need to shop around just to see who else will help me out. I'm takign some advice my dad gave me and forgetting about the accident that I can't remember about. I'm sure that helps bring down the price too. Unfortunately, the company that my job has a discount with, I can't use because I told them my bumper is gone and they can't give me a quote until that's fixed. Had I known this, I would've told them something different and quite possibly had a lowest price... but who knows. I keep forgetting how many auto insurance agencies there are out there and I don't feel like sifting through each and everyone for the best deal. What I'd love is Allstate, but I fear it might be out of my price range. You never know...
In the meantime, I shall do some wrapping up so I can get out of here and enjoy my holiday weekend. Lord knows I didn't have much work to do anyway. My mother can be so trickery in her evil ways asking me if I was going to work KNOWING I didn't have much to do and not many would be in and that I was tired and its a holiday and the fact that she took the day off as well... But I came in anyway. I'm almost done with my warm melted ice coffee too. I got the medium size today so I can enjoy the rest of today until a few hours after nightfall. Plans for today? Gym and maybe a movie. Tomorrow? Supposedly Six Flags, but I don't really wanna go anymore. I know, I'm weird.
breakfast burrito
But the burritos have been consistently Thursdays. What's the big deal with the burritos? Well they are... different. I'm not big on burritos to begin with. But Lord knows I love breakfast and a majority of the foods. At least American breakfast foods. I recently saw what Japan supposedly eats for a morning meal, according to new misleading reality TV show, I Survived a Japanese Game Show. I don't even wanna get started on that right now. Let's just say that I'm disappointed about it's show within a show concept... and it happened within the first minute of the first episode. BUT we're talking about breakfast burritos.
They are... hmmm... almost soggy. Would it still be considered a soft tortilla? Well that bready part is moist which I'm assuming is due to the heat from the contents and being wrapped in foil. But the breading tends to stick to the paper inside the wrapping. I found that the sogginess also may come from the contents itself. Perhaps the "juices" from the eggs, cheese, or meat soak through the tortilla and make it feel a bit more mushy than I prefer. I cringe at the thought of calling it "juices." Eggs shouldn't have juice. CHEESE shouldn't have juice. Ok, ok... We'll just say they are "moist." That word is more pleasant even though I've heard debates that the word itself sounds a bit gross to hear. Say it aloud with me... mmmmooooiiissstttt(aahhh)... It's fun to say. So is colloquial.
Overall, don't eat the breakfast burritos here. At first they might be sorta good. But My guess is you might regret it in the end. You'll get depressed somewhere in the meal. I almost want to shun all breakfast burritos... but I've only started experiementing since I started working here since they have a variety everyday. Don't get me wrong, I think the concept is great. Especially if you are on the go or like to touch your food. I personally prefer actual sandwiches made from bagels or croissants, which they also make here and I tend to pick up from time to time. Unfortunately, they like to gype you with either little eggs or the ham shoved to one side. There is no TLC in the making of these breakfast delights. So I guess it's hard to call them a delight. More of a disappointment.
Fortunately they had scrambled eggs with meat & cheese today, which is great by me. The cheese here is great and I don't know why. Oh well. I won't analyze it.
Unfortunately, with all of that, I lost my first and only comment. This does indeed sadden me. But at least I have a new nifty blogroll. I need to maybe do one other thing to promote Behance and that is to start posting my badge so people can click on it and see my poems or any other work I post on there.
In the meantime, I'm going to lay back down again, watch a few minutes of Psych, drift off to sleep for a few hours as I prepare to work a much shorter day tomorrow. It'd be nice to do, I dunno... 6-7 hours? Then I can leave and goto the gym. I'm already falling behind. Sigh. And yawn. Well, here we go.
so how is everyone else's job?
Since I'm here, I will do what I can to make the best of it. I uploaded most of my recent poetry onto my new portfolio on Behance yesterday into last night. Oh, what's Behance you say? Why it's the best place for artists and people/teams/groups thats create, entertain, or perform various kinds of crafts and talents. Sort've like a professional meeting place or expo, but online, and made so people can easily interact with others whether that be across the street or across the planet. I'm proud to say that I was already contacted by someone about my poetry. That might not mean anything to you, but I'm pretty excited. My words have gone INTERNATIONAL. Anyway, this place is at http://www.behance.net/ and you are free to roam about and check out what millions of people are doing. I have no idea how many people are actually on the site, but I love the community of artists. I'd love to collaborate with many of them but I don't have a clue to start right now. And with all the God given gifts I've been blessed with, I didn't quite know where to begin with my portfolio. Since I didn't have a serious outlet for my poetry, I started with that. I'll keep the blogging to this site here. But I kept my profile to my main passions, which is writing, storytelling... and poetry. I could only pick 3. Oh well.
Special shout out to Dave Stein whom I don't know personally, but I've got connections ;o)
By the way, my profile/portfolio can be found at http://www.behance.net/tsterlingwatson and I encourage anyone with any kind of artisticness to get on board and show your stuff and be appreciated. It's a good feeling when you get those thumbs ups.
Is it just me, or does it happen to other people when you get that first sip of coffee, you have a reaction to it... like a twitch or twinge or something? For the record, if "twinge" isn't a word, it's like a twitch, but your face looks more distressed.